
I guarantee you the conclusion centrists and Carville-esque liberals are going to take from the recent European elections is “OK well we tried but it’s time to throw the immigrants under the bus, there’s no other way to survive.” Some of them have already landed there and the rest are en route.
Someone who I didn't think was progressive but who I assumed was reasonable went full-on "if the right-wing takes over France it's because the ungrateful immigrants tried to destroy the country" and welp.
There have been some wins domestically. Labor is strong. Biden was right to pull out of Afghanistan. Immigration has been a D-. Almost a complete adoption of the Trump administration's sadistic ideology and he will be morally responsible for the things Trump does to people he failed to protect
Biden had to pull out of Afghanistan, right? Wasn’t that already set up by his predecessor?
Yea but he at least just kind of toughened through the right wing hissy fit