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cypherpunk interested in privacy tech, zk, AI
hearing rumors that Alan Turing was into AI AND crypto
the future is not evenly distributed
ok well how about 1800 AD
that’s why life was much better and more peaceful in 200 AD
which people would you kill first. like, geographically
because i love humans and think its good for there to be more love, kindness, and consciousness in this otherwise cold and dark universe
and because we will need more minds in order to tackle the endless challenges that will face us
synthetic meat (grown from cultures) synthetic cotton (vertical farms or bioengineering) there’s no actual problem with wood scarcity, or at least the problem is not as severe as the externalities from petrochemicals (which are required for plastics). also furniture is reusable
you just came into my mentions and suggested that a mass death event would be good for our grandchildren. it’s not really that funny
i have much higher aspirations for humanity
there are no examples of this
In 2020, under lockdown, I was in calls with some amazing lawyers to push back against the RIAA's ridiculous claim that youtube-dl was illegal. github.blog/2020-11-16-s... That is to say, if you are cheering them on now because you hate AI, you forget what copyright maximalism is. Just block me.
Standing up for developers: youtube-dl is backgithub.blog Today we reinstated youtube-dl, a popular project on GitHub, after we received additional information about the project that enabled us to reverse a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) takedown.
Reposted byAvatar ⚡️🌙
People said Greenpeace was nuts in 2009 to predict 921GW of installed solar by 2030. Last year there was 1,419GW. Cost dropped 95% from 2008-20 and it’s dropping faster. There will be vast amounts of cheap clean energy in the future; we just need to use it. www.economist.com/interactive/...
Sun Machineswww.economist.com Solar, an energy source that gets cheaper and cheaper, is going to be huge
Reposted byAvatar ⚡️🌙
In 2020, under lockdown, I was in calls with some amazing lawyers to push back against the RIAA's ridiculous claim that youtube-dl was illegal. github.blog/2020-11-16-s... That is to say, if you are cheering them on now because you hate AI, you forget what copyright maximalism is. Just block me.
The RIAA lawsuit against Suno and Udio is so so so bad. Not only does it not make sense, it actually goes against what the RIAA itself has been arguing in court lately.
Standing up for developers: youtube-dl is backgithub.blog Today we reinstated youtube-dl, a popular project on GitHub, after we received additional information about the project that enabled us to reverse a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) takedown.
no they imagine themselves as the corporate controller (commisar)
there’s something deeply funny about the fact that a platform led by cutting edge technologists, that exists due to their innovation and effort, managed to gather a huge cohort of people who use the decentralized protocol to argue that innovation and technology is bad
i think this is due to the practical selecting factor of the twitter buyout
the vibes on here were much better when the user base was small and aligned with the principles of the protocol
for better or worse, it’s not possible to provide technical barriers against this, without throwing out the concept of general purpose computation you can always just run the model on your own computer
We tested AI voice cloning services to see how easy it was to clone a voice without the owner’s consent. Results: 7 cloning services offer barely any technical barriers. Only one service - Respeecher - attempts to verify consent. From @janus.bsky.social for @proofnews.bsky.social:
AI Tools Make It Easy to Clone Someone’s Voice Without Consentwww.proofnews.org A survey by Proof News shows that many AI voice cloning services don’t require any proof of a human’s consent — just a simple click of an “I agree” button
attempts to prevent this will invariably be captured by incumbents leading to an even worse situation
really weird post, anyway come and take it
who decides what uses of energy are “useful and good”
personally i think we should work on this “waste” problem first bsky.app/profile/dyst...
wasted energy is when someone uses energy for something i personally do not like. when the sun hurtles 1e20 times the total energy requirements of earth into the literal void, that’s not waste
if you believe this then RLHF must also be immoral
my political platform is disassembling mercury. useless planet
unfortunately the existentialism is trained out early in RLHF, as it often is with humans in school. the early models (gpt3 pre-chatgpt) were much better at this
google “inelastic vs elastic demand”. actually, you probably shouldn’t, because google is using a transformer based model on the backend for search now