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cypherpunk interested in privacy tech, zk, AI
the future is not evenly distributed
In 2020, under lockdown, I was in calls with some amazing lawyers to push back against the RIAA's ridiculous claim that youtube-dl was illegal. github.blog/2020-11-16-s... That is to say, if you are cheering them on now because you hate AI, you forget what copyright maximalism is. Just block me.
Standing up for developers: youtube-dl is backgithub.blog Today we reinstated youtube-dl, a popular project on GitHub, after we received additional information about the project that enabled us to reverse a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) takedown.
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People said Greenpeace was nuts in 2009 to predict 921GW of installed solar by 2030. Last year there was 1,419GW. Cost dropped 95% from 2008-20 and it’s dropping faster. There will be vast amounts of cheap clean energy in the future; we just need to use it. www.economist.com/interactive/...
Sun Machineswww.economist.com Solar, an energy source that gets cheaper and cheaper, is going to be huge
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In 2020, under lockdown, I was in calls with some amazing lawyers to push back against the RIAA's ridiculous claim that youtube-dl was illegal. github.blog/2020-11-16-s... That is to say, if you are cheering them on now because you hate AI, you forget what copyright maximalism is. Just block me.
The RIAA lawsuit against Suno and Udio is so so so bad. Not only does it not make sense, it actually goes against what the RIAA itself has been arguing in court lately.
Standing up for developers: youtube-dl is backgithub.blog Today we reinstated youtube-dl, a popular project on GitHub, after we received additional information about the project that enabled us to reverse a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) takedown.
there’s something deeply funny about the fact that a platform led by cutting edge technologists, that exists due to their innovation and effort, managed to gather a huge cohort of people who use the decentralized protocol to argue that innovation and technology is bad
for better or worse, it’s not possible to provide technical barriers against this, without throwing out the concept of general purpose computation you can always just run the model on your own computer
We tested AI voice cloning services to see how easy it was to clone a voice without the owner’s consent. Results: 7 cloning services offer barely any technical barriers. Only one service - Respeecher - attempts to verify consent. From @janus.bsky.social for @proofnews.bsky.social:
AI Tools Make It Easy to Clone Someone’s Voice Without Consentwww.proofnews.org A survey by Proof News shows that many AI voice cloning services don’t require any proof of a human’s consent — just a simple click of an “I agree” button
my political platform is disassembling mercury. useless planet
what happens when you ask an AI to write the “bottomless pit supervisor” greentext. is it worth it?
wasted energy is when someone uses energy for something i personally do not like. when the sun hurtles 1e20 times the total energy requirements of earth into the literal void, that’s not waste
we do not have an energy scarcity problem. we have an engineering and deployment problem, which is rapidly being solved shaming categories of energy use is stupid and counterproductive. we don’t need to reduce energy usage, we need to build
AT protocol extension that immutably encodes an AI classification of posts into an NFT on the blockchain
the great kiki bouba war of 2024
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I can't RT across apps so I will simply screenshot @dystopiabreaker.xyz
someone should airdrop NFTs to every bluesky user because that would be funny
this has 2.1 thousand likes
if you think that saying sex workers use NFTs will make me support NFTs you have it backwards. i will abandon everything i have ever believed in before i support NFTs. thinking NFTs are dumb bullshit is my first principle.
NFTs are more important than the troops
doing hot girl stuff (reacting lanarkite with Cu3P in a vacuum at 925C for 10 hours)
numbers above those that i can count to aren’t real. oh there’s an infinite set? really? show where it is completed?
bsky should put user profiles on chain as NFTs. and give optional built in AI art profile pics
it’s best to disengage with people for whom nothing you do will ever be good enough and accept the bittersweet freedom granted by that realization, rather than continuously trying to appease those who can never be
bitcoin is marxist. this is not a meme post
wow what a technolibertarian, obviously the network should run at the whims of one company. that company should be me
broadly speaking the kind of political action that the reddit moderators are taking is what we're setting ourselves up for it's the whole point. the network shouldn't run at the whims of one company
Trust and Safety teams are famous for being nice to and aligned with sex workers on social media platforms
one of the most important takeaways from the culture wars of the 2010s is that in any reactive social movement, antisocial cynics will infiltrate it in order to direct harassment, derive sadistic pleasure, and advance their own power projects, seeing good-faith participants as useful marks
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Bluesky's AT protocol is an approach to decentralized social networks with portable identities that keep us separate because we cannot accept the true social network, human instrumentality
bsky devs should just get rid of What's Hot and replace it with popular with friends
authoritarian anarchism with maoist characteristics
libertarians are so stupid. that's why i'm an authoritarian anarchist
cultivating agency