
Facebook is showing me ads for T shirts that say “GAY SINCE WHAM!” and ads for apartments for rent in Washington State. For the record I have no plans to move out of state, and thanks to Tarzan I was gay before Wham! — although I do remember being mesmerized by some of their videos on MTV.
just reading bits on my feed and having a late whisky and hit: "thanks to tarzan i was gay before wham" and laughed so hard i snorted scotch out of my nose and now my face is on fire and i'm still laughing. johnny weissmuller would be proud as hell. fucking brilliant. 🤣🤣 rock on, mate. ♥️
Thanks! But in my case, it was Mike Henry in “Tarzan and the Valley of Gold” (1968).
Although Johnny Weissmuller was certainly no slacker!
aye - johnny was always "tarzan" for me because of maureen's "jane." the first of many irish girls that would steal a piece of me away forever. 🥃