
Tell me something funny about someone important to you who’s passed on. Anecdote, factoid, excellent one-liner—dealer’s choice.
My grandma met my grandpa because they chained the fire exit doors at her job, she was concerned about retaliation for whistleblowing, and "seduce the fire marshal so he picks you up for a date from work and sees the chained doors" is a viable strategy. They were married for many happy years.
This post kind of exploded and I woke up to see the notes and got hit with SO MANY happy feelings and memories. She's been gone almost 20 years now. So I share with you all Grandma Jean' Liver Paté recipe. You have to get good, fresh livers!
I have known only two people well who have had gout -- both in their toes, and neither had anything to do with diet. ready to believe that's a shakespearean myth.
Eating high purine foods does increase your chances, but only if you're metabolically receptive. Similar to, not everyone eating butt-tons of spinach get kidney stones either, but kidney stones are made of dietary oxalic acid—as well as ppl not eating much Ca or oxalic acid can and do get stones.
I have a close friend who was suffering from it in his feet on and off for years. On the suggestion of another friend he switched to a vegetarian diet and hasn’t had it come back since.