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Probably human; queer, disabled; super into health, disability, admin, and employment law; attorney (not your attorney); pen name Nova Mason; current MPH student. Personal non-work account. She/her.
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WE remember the convenience pitches, but sanitation/hygiene/health pitches were VERY common at the time: Our Brand Won't Kill You Thanks to SCOTUS we'll find out empirically, again, which brands of food will kill us.
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July 4th is very rough on my dog (he is a royalist and considers George Washington a traitor)
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Functional political systems are *supposed to be* boring! It should be sewage specialists arguing over what size pipe is most efficient for the city layout! It should be debates over whether to put a mural or a frieze in the new park! “Interesting politics” are when people start dying!
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Thinking it's okay to use ableist slurs and not racist or homophobic ones very clearly illustrates that you think being disabled is demeaning and disabled people are worthy of your contempt. Otherwise why would you use a word for intellectual disability as an insult?
It's official! As of today, I'm a lawyer! There's a gift shop near the court (for Empire Plaza, not the court itself) and I got socks to commemorate the occasion.
As someone who works with regulations I gotta say I am having a rough week. Admittedly, I'm at state level, but "Respect the mood" (paraphrased) (Frankfurter, Universal Camera Corp v NLRB, 340 US 474 at 478 [1951])
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“You’re a lawyer! What does this mean, really?” Man, I don’t fucking know. In the last week an entire area of law I studied was more or less rendered entirely moot and now there’s one specific guy in the whole country who may be able to do anything he wants without recourse. This is kind of new.
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Me, trying to figure out how to lay irregular stones for a circular patio.
Pretty wild that the rule of law is being obliterated and I'm sitting at work thinking about why my garage door opener only works intermittently.
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I am spamming Disability related content all month for Disability Pride.
Absolutely begging folks to at least pretend to give a fuck about access on here. Especially bigger accounts that get a lot of traction by posting pics/screenshots/memes. Y’all set the vibe. If you don’t do things like alt text then your followers won’t either.
Reposted byAvatar L-M
Reminder that lots of people you encounter are hanging on to a thread by their fingernails so unless it's psychedelics, therapy, a meaningfully viable organizational roadmap, a hug, or some other real support, maybe ask yourself if what you're about to offer is helpful or if you're just startin shit
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Before pride is up remember you get double the exp for being gay and doing crimes. This does stack with the end of the month double exp weekend
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Not despair: Spite and Malicious Compliance.
The correct response to Chevron being overturned is for every single environmental group to start filing millions of lawsuits, right now, today, arguing that various regulatory decisions didn't go far enough. Absolutely flood the zone.
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Interstate sale of unpasteurized milk is prohibited by FDA reg 1240.61 under the authority given to the Surgeon General in the Public Health Services Act to prevent communicable diseases. But in this 5th circuit courtroom, a FedSoc judge trained in creationist biology isn't sure that's true.
New test results released by the FDA found that bird flu virus is making its way from dairy farms and into milk processing plants but also confirmed that the commonly used flash pasteurization method fully neutralizes the virus.
FDA’s testing of raw milk finds H5N1 bird flu in half of samples but confirms flash pasteurization kills virus | CNNcnn.it New test results released by the US Food and Drug Administration on Friday found that bird flu virus is making its way from dairy farms and into milk processing plants but also confirmed that the comm...
21 CFR 1240.61 -- Mandatory pasteurization for all milk and milk products in final package form intended for direct human consumption.www.ecfr.gov
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been trying to place the the cognitive dissonance I feel with “to serve his country, Biden should step aside” and I think it’s that no one would ever suggest that Trump should do something that puts the country first
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I'm A Legal Academic. The Supreme Court Just Destroyed My Syllabus for the Fall. In this essay, I will . . .
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It's great that we have a super parliament of unaccountable, unelected judges, and that they have all the vision, generosity, and sense of proportion of a below average HOA
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I particuarly like(*) the repetition of "a bare quorum of 6 justices" in an opinion that is issued by a bare quorum of 6 justices (* don't fucking like)
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So basically Roberts saying here that the federal judiciary is also the executive branch, separation of powers be damned
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*shakes the court sharply and gets the canned air to blow the decision out of the tubes*
This is like when we had a cat who, every 6 months or so, would make his Yearning For Outside known. We'd take him out. On a rainy day. That would settle it for another 6 months.
making an exception to the "no screentime" rule so the lads can watch the first half of the debate which is on before their bedtime in the hopes they'll assume all television is this horrible and never want to watch it again
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I daresay that Sandal’s meowing will make more sense than ANYTHING that comes out of the current orange candidate’s mouth. Pobrecita Chancleta 2024
sandal has offered to debate every presidential candidate for the last 12 years, multiple times a day. all have declined. often rudely. some people say it's a matter of bigotry. others say that he's meowing, so they can't tell what he's asking. the truth: the system is afraid.
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Yesterday I went on Twitter and saw someone say "Go back to Bluesky with all the rest of the former gifted kids" and wow just absolutely bodied
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New translation for Hwæt just dropped
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This reminds me of friends who told their child that the real curse words were the names of bad people. Please imagine a 7-year-old boy dropping something on his foot and loudly yelling “George W Bush!” I have seen this in our actual human world and it is glorious.
I follow a Twitch streamer who, because of the platform's censorship policies, idiosyncratically swaps out the word "suicide" for "vote for Ralph Nader"
Reposted byAvatar L-M
LLMs are useless for lawyering and other tasks involving actual analysis and understanding not because the technology hasn't gotten there yet, but because that's fundamentally not what statistical word association is capable of doing. Not only can't it understand, it's not even trying to understand.
Facing a coziness deficit (daughter "borrowed" my weighted blanket). Woe.
Mine tend to turn into memes about soup.
every single one of my group chats eventually devolves into me sending unsolicited cat videos and surely that's the true natural endpoint of every group chat
Seconding this. As someone who spent 6 years trying to help claimants with this SSD/SSI process... it's so broken.
If the SSA wants to deny your benefits because they think you can work, they should be forced to find you an actual, literal, you-can-start-tomorrow-with-a-pay-advance fucking job placement.
Reposted byAvatar L-M
Imagine if you became a D&D warlock but you weren’t interested in becoming an adventurer You pledge your soul to this demonic or eldritch being… for mastery of like, accounting or urban planning or like, power but in a bureaucracy. Control over the postal service of the fantasy realm.