
Bringing back this 2016 banger: Hi! During the upheaval of your glorious revolution, I need to know what kind of healthcare you'll have in place. People who depend on steady supplies of lifesaving medication don't suddenly stop existing during a revolution.
are you saying that “people” are taken care of now or that you are taken care of now and you are comfortable with your care at the cost of everyone else who suffers under imperialism and racial capitalism?
I'm saying read the goddamn thread before you try to score off of me.
i did - i was asking you a question. you seem to be insinuating that everyone who wants a revolution doesn’t do care work or simply wants people to die casually or be left behind. im just curious if that was your view.
What I'm saying is what I said. I'm not insinuating shit. I'm Autistic. I don't insinuate. I work very hard to be very clear in what I'm saying because I have a lot of trauma around being misunderstood and misrepresented. I'm not saying anything about "everyone who wants a revolution".
And getting hung up on the word "revolution" is probably a mistake. The timing of the original thread was December 2016. There were some very specific events and conversations happening then.
indeed. i am also autistic. was confused i guess. apologies. i obviously misunderstood.
Okay. Cool. Misunderstandings happen.