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That Eb.

Stuff-Doer. Autistic. ADHD. ND. (More). Disabled. Disability Justice. A-spec. Filipino-USian. Same name most places. They/Them.

Justice before civility.

My favorite extinct dinosaur is pachycephalosaurus.

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www.chinkapincrafts.org Chinkapin Craftstead, in the heart of rural TN, is pushing back by supporting arts and artists with an emphasis on the lgbtqia community. The arts are political! Artists and craftsfolk can check out our residency program, contact us about hosting a workshop or retreat.
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Shout-out to Freedom Oklahoma, who have been fighting hard for 2SLGBTQ+ folks in OK and are my go-to rec when people ask about red-state groups to support:
And if you're doing the Blue State Challenge, feel free to talk up any Red State groups you're supporting that want that kind of exposure. On any/all your platforms. It can make a difference in a lot of ways.
Freedom Oklahomawww.freedomoklahoma.org Freedom Oklahoma
Started my laundry load. Now I need to scan a bunch of paperwork into my computer so I can turn it into forms to fill out. And then I can play a few rounds of a tower defense game.
Today I need to gather and fax paperwork to the FSSA. Also I want to wash my spring/summer trousers because I keep forgetting to do that.
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I keep up with Iowa politics because goddamme I can’t not, but this is a good reminder to be always looking for the people working against Kim Reynolds.
Pointing again at my US Blue State Challenge. If you live in a "blue state", pick the red state you hate the most and the issue you care about the most and find a group in that state working on that issue and support them.
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I donate monthly to an abortion fund. Maybe I can do a little more to another state. After the Arkansas win to get abortion on the ballot, maybe others are trying that as well.
This is the Blue State Challenge. It's for people in blue states who feel frustrated with what's happening in red states. 1: Pick your most hated (or most loved) Red State. 2: Choose an issue you care about. 3: Find a group in that state working on that issue. 4: Support that group.
Today I need to gather and fax paperwork to the FSSA. Also I want to wash my spring/summer trousers because I keep forgetting to do that.
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This is the Blue State Challenge. It's for people in blue states who feel frustrated with what's happening in red states. 1: Pick your most hated (or most loved) Red State. 2: Choose an issue you care about. 3: Find a group in that state working on that issue. 4: Support that group.
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And if you're doing the Blue State Challenge, feel free to talk up any Red State groups you're supporting that want that kind of exposure. On any/all your platforms. It can make a difference in a lot of ways.
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I don't have time for a thread, but #NativesInSTEM students: something I wish I had done in undergrad is to minor in Indigenous Studies. You may think it has nothing to do with your science degree, but being Indigenous will forever be intertwined with your identity as a scientist. Learn why.
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WOW, this quote from Haidt: “It is true that I am promoting a social change program…and I am doing this before the scientific community has reached full agreement.”
Long interview I did with Candice Odgers about why Jon Haidt is overstating the extent to which science supports his claims about social media. open.substack.com/pub/holdenth...
The muddled science on teens and social mediaopen.substack.com Extensive interviews with Jon Haidt and Candice Odgers
TBH if I had money to set up a website database for this to make it easier, I would. But as it is, this will have to do. Also, feel free to share the Blue State Challenge on other platforms.
And just to say, but if you're in a so-called Red State and there's a group you're involved with that's trying to push back, I'm happy to signal-boost and/or just maintain a list here. (Boosts aren't endorsements.)
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Need groceries pls help
I survive off mutual aid because I'm disabled and don't make enough at my job. Pls donate whatever you can :) I'm currently 3 months behind on rent cashapp/venmo: glitchwitch420 paypal.me/inosaramet #mutualaid #helpsky
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It's also important to them that there's a vast supply of desperate people who will either work for a pittance, sign up to the military, or do a crime and end up as part of the prison slave labor population.
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We just ran Romancing the Vote for the 3rd year, and while Bluesky has *definitely* punched above its weight class for us there, the loss of twitter was painful. Our social networks are splintered now, and so are our communities. IDK if we'll ever get back what twitter could do for excitement.
Hey, so. I understand that this is anecdotal and not research, but. It is WILD how useless social media has become for promo. It's a fucking disgrace, really.
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And just to say, but if you're in a so-called Red State and there's a group you're involved with that's trying to push back, I'm happy to signal-boost and/or just maintain a list here. (Boosts aren't endorsements.)
Pointing again at my US Blue State Challenge. If you live in a "blue state", pick the red state you hate the most and the issue you care about the most and find a group in that state working on that issue and support them.
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PROMO (promomissouri.org) does excellent work in here in Missouri and are fighting hard in this Red State
Home - PROMOpromomissouri.org
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[JULY 7 UPDATE] 🆘 No new donations as of 12AM 🕛 🚨$800 NEEDED BY TODAY 7/7🚨 10 ppl donating $100 20 ppl donating $50 40 ppl donating $25 ($2,000 needed by 7/15) DONATE 👉🏿 gofund.me/426e9e1c / linktr.ee/jskylerinc #DisabilityPrideMonth #HelpSky #BlackSky
GFM GOAL FOR JULY 2024 RENT/EXPENSES: $3000! Thats: 30 ppl donating $100 60 ppl donating $50 120 ppl donating $25 DEADLINE IS 7/15 gofund.me/426e9e1c
Does it seem to anyone else here like they're getting more, I dunno, engagement and interactions in the last couple of weeks? I'm wondering if certain accounts had a bigger gatekeeping effect than realized and their exits from the platform opened things up for others?
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It's easier to be angry at people who didn't manage to convince you that things you didn't want to care about mattered than it is to accept that you screwed up and weren't as good a judge of character as you thought you were. Also this is not a condemnation. Everyone has things to learn.
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Again, the thing here is just... I get a lot of people are hurting and grieving right now. I don't want to dismiss that as irrelevant because it isn't. But I also don't want false narratives about a spotless record to erase reality.
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I know from years of experience that if you talk about "autism community", non-Autistic people who are interested in the topic of autism will assume that includes them. I've seen similar things with "disability community". So I prefer saying Autistic communities and Disabled communities.
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The reason I prefer "Disabled communities" to "Disability community" is the same reason I prefer "Autistic communities" to "autism community".
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So, yeah, as much as you would think it's common sense that you could use the ADA to get people around you to mask, I honestly wouldn't try it. I don't think the legal standing is there (even if the science is).
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It's okay to mourn the loss of a source of healing. Not to the point where it makes you lash out at victims or defend perpetrators, but if you found comfort in art that is now tainted, that's a loss. I think that's a big responsibility that creators need to take more seriously. (5/?)
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We don't fix our problems with language alone. But we cannot fix our problems without it either.
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Update I: $50 came in, thank you Adam! So I'm at $50/$75. Can someone take me the rest of the way? I'm so grateful! 😍 💕💸
Mutual Aid Request Hi guys, I need help again *groan*. I have a bill I need to pay. I helped my elderly housemate get some personal supplies she needed and then I was forced to go pick up medication so I ran out of funds. Can I get $75? 💕💸 V: Annaleigh-Watts CA: $annaleighmaria PP: AnaleeWatts
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I was wrong. Seeing Lewis Hamilton win again was worth it.
Watching it. The Brits are excited about it, obviously, but I don't think it's as interesting as other races. But it might be because I've also been managing my meds at the same time. Bella is pretty sure that petting her is more important than typing so I have to stop now.
Watching it. The Brits are excited about it, obviously, but I don't think it's as interesting as other races. But it might be because I've also been managing my meds at the same time. Bella is pretty sure that petting her is more important than typing so I have to stop now.
Might actually stay awake tomorrow morning for the Grand Prix if I can get it.
I hate fireworks on my own behalf but I hate them even more for upsetting my dogs, so.
They. Are. Still. Setting. Off. F-erworks.