
I just. The work of showing people how ableism is real and how their "everyday harmless status quo normal" beliefs and attitudes and behaviors are actually harmful can be like pulling teeth. Ableism is /so/ foundational. Folks will just straight-faced be like "but that /does/ make someone lesser."
FYI: this is the problem with (most) Person-First Language and also anything about Disability that emphasizes the word "ability" and stuff about "not identifying with your diagnosis" and... a lot of stuff.
I just. The work of showing people how ableism is real and how their "everyday harmless status quo normal" beliefs and attitudes and behaviors are actually harmful can be like pulling teeth. Ableism is /so/ foundational. Folks will just straight-faced be like "but that /does/ make someone lesser."
Yeah, the people who make the "I see you as a person, not as disabled" argument are really tipping their hand about seeing disability as disqualifying someone from personhood.
I have some really old Twitter threads exactly about this because when I figured that out I was all "OMG this says it all".
It dovetails for me with the argument that saying "pregnant people" rather than "pregnant women" when referring to general groups "erases" or "excludes" women. Like, if you don't think women are people, that seems like a you problem?