
Also, I honestly don't know much about dogs but I think most of this applies to them, too? I do know that more pets go missing in the U.S. on the 4th of July holiday than any other time of year, so please just be extra mindful of all the babbys.
Fireworks suck! Here are some tips from cat behaviorist Mikel Delgado for keeping your cats safe and happy this 4th of July. 1. Make sure your cats are inside. Even if they normally go out, the 4th is not a good day for them to roam. (con't)
I really don't understand people who let their cats roam. On top of it being illegal in a lot of cities, cats kept indoors don't get eaten by coyotes, injured or killed by dogs, or possibly run over by cars or trains.
I don't either but I've sworn off arguing with anyone about it. I've found that debate sadly doesn't change people's minds about this, they only come around after experiencing tragedy firsthand. 😢
My MIL frankly scares me. One of her cats (she lets them roam, don't get me started) went missing for several *weeks* and I never heard of or saw her cry or even seem upset. I was so frankly appalled I wanted to tell her to take the remaining one straight back to the shelter.
The missing one turned up and again she seemed entirely unbothered. Like, what? My husband insists that it's because she lived on a farm and a lot of animals die on a farm but I don't buy it. There's something wrong with someone who doesn't even miss a pet when it goes missing.
Yeah, my mom was raised on a dairy farm and she freaks out if she can't find one of their (indoor) cats after looking for more than 10 minutes. I was raised less than a mile from that same farm and spent most of my childhood hanging out there, and I'm an indoor advocate.
I’m navigating living with my mom and her indoor/outdoor cats and my indoor only cats. Her youngest (14) spent the last two nights outside, keeping mom up until 3. I snagged the offending cat and have knocked the cat out with gabapentain so she’ll sleep through the 4th. Inside. So we can all sleep