
So this is horrible, of course, but look how selective and hypocritical our outrage is: if he had been eating any other animal it would have been fine. We have decided that _some_ animals are okay to kill and deserve no sympathy because their flesh tastes good, and other animals should be protected.
I thought “RFK ate a dog” was metaphorical, but I was startled to find out today that RFK really *did* eat a dog and took comedy photos with the corpse
It is an incredibly deep seated cultural aversion in the West, you are not going to be able to logic people out of it, and it’s tiresome when commentators make smug comments to this effect about how “illogical” this aversion is.
I struggle so much with this one damn, because I agree with the smuggers here but you are correct
The same exact argument about cultural aversions could be used to push someone in the opposite direction towards eating other animals.
I mean I'm from a country where there is a very large lobby that goes around literally lynching ppl for eating beef so yes, but its a complicated thing at a whole lot of levels
I was in a (terrible) community leadership program. One session was devoted to EDI & we were to bring dishes to demonstrate how accepting the group was. I brought lamb kofte, to prove the exercise was a farce. Amazing how many people loved the "beef" meatbals until they found out it was lamb kofte.
I knew historically lamb and sheep have fallen out of favor in North America in favor of pork and beef, but I didn't realize there was actually an aversion to it for some people now. How interesting.
I'm just one online skeleton, but I started eating lamb when I learned it's a sorta sustainable byproduct of wool production. Mostly off beef for opposite reason.