
ChatGPT can now accurately tell you who I am, but if you ask it to recommend some articles, it will continuously generate a string of pieces I have never actually written instead of retrieving real ones from the Internet. On this last round, one was called "The Case for Political Violence."
Did I ever tell you all about the time someone introduced me, at a large event, with erroneous info because they had “asked” ChatGPT for my bio?
Generative AI does not answer questions, it generates an answer, and it's going to take some people a decade to figure out the important difference.
It generates an answer *with confidence*. Whether it's a right answer or wrong answer is beyond the point.
In 30 years, I can't wait for my AI doctor to tell me that to solve my high blood pressure, they're going to have to remove my heart. ( In all fairness, it will solve my high blood pressure. )
it's a very rudimentary tool being sold to us as Einstein's brain. and as it underperforms its task as the human experience, its salesmen keep tweaking it to give a better poor facsimile.