
The problem we have, which is very real, is that: - Biden won the primary in a landslide, and is competent, so he is going to be the nominee unless he steps down, which is completely his choice - Others want to pressure him to make that choice, by complaining to the media (1/2)
- This makes the public more focused on the democrats and less on trump, the worst president, and worst human being to be president, ever This situation CANNOT continue. Democrats can talk to Biden, but publicly need to accept the outcome of our primary and stand behind our nominee.
These people want someone else to run. But we had a primary, it’s over, and it’s time to try to beat Trump. You can try to convince Biden to step down, but if he won’t you can’t force him and you have to stop the sabotage.
Right now, Biden is losing (probably). There is TONS of time to turn that around. But stop making the story about democratic infighting FFS and make it about trump. Sorry that the primary is over if you don’t love the candidate, but it is.