
Weaponised trauma is trauma I categorically will never give a shit about. If you decide to use whatever happened to you as a cudgel for coercion, then I no longer have to care about what happened to you. I have tons of trauma so I have the right to see that for what it is: not symptoms, but a choice
There is a moment in experiencing symptoms where what you’re doing to someone can stop. So if you keep doing it because you’ve granted yourself the right to, then it becomes Motive.
Ufff grrrrl- and if you’ve gone through a process of seeing your trauma-patterned behavior as shitty, and gone through the pain of addressing it, it makes it nigh impossible to excuse in others.
There's a difference between being a victim and a survivor. Trauma makes us all start at victim, where we cannot process what happened. Survivors assimilate it, so it doesn't control them. Sadly some just stay victims.
Yep, and there's only one type of person who has actual use for perpetual victimhood.