
Intake part 2: they've just referred me for both an autism assessment and, at long fucking last, EMDR! It's taken me YEARS to fight for this outcome, I'm literally shaking with surprise and relief. This is EXACTLY what I wanted. I made it here alive? I WASN'T wrong to spit in death's eye after all??
Tomorrow I have my first appointment with NHS psychotherapy services to HOPEFULLY begin a trauma recovery process I've somehow survived waiting for since September 1994. It is not the kind of survival anyone could ever feasibly manage well. I've a lot of horrible, horrible work ahead. Wish me luck ๐Ÿ–ค
Thank you! I've got a few months now to prepare for it but I'm really excited to finally put the top 5 or 6 worst ever memories to bed at long last, and every testimonial like yours just makes me feel even more encouraged about it ๐Ÿ–ค
My mother was an early user of it and was responsible for training a lot of the East coast practioners of it.
I am so happy for you! I never know how to respond when youโ€™re sharing your pain, but I see you, and I hope itโ€™s ok to celebrate this path for you.
Oh wow, that's huge news! I'm so happy for you! ๐Ÿ’–
Personally, I salute you for spitting into death's eye