Cersei Transnister

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Cersei Transnister


Trans. She/her. Tits, fun, and no community discourse are my goals. MDNI. The smartest bimbo. Neurosexy

Team Dillinger for life.

“pretty and equally intimidating and caring”
Goodnight, dolls. I hope you had a good day today. Just remember: -you are normal -you are beautiful -you are smart -you are safe -you are perfect I love you all, Dolls and Enbys. Sleep well. 🫂💜🫂💜🫂💜🫂💜
Stephanopoulos asked him about his approval rating and campaign strategy. What are we doing here? This is why the Biden people thinks the press sucks. Imagine if they asked him *what* his administration did in the past month.
The DC press likes easy scandals and horse race coverage. They will be on this for awhile. If they were actually interested in policy or whatever we’d be in a very different place.
I just told my wife that I want bottom surgery and boy was that a mistake
Too soon? Too far? Not far enough?
A shame that atropos isn't here to yell at me for that post lmao.
Paul can double stuff me.
They can’t call it Double Stuff because legally it’s not “stuff”
Looks like I’m celibate next week. Fuck.
Wife: If Germany loses this... Me: Oh no Her: No girlfriends for a week. Me: GTFO Her: I said what I said (Spain scores literally 20 seconds later) Me: Sigh
A lot of smart Dems have told me to watch this race.
Texas poll with Senate race 46-43 Cruz and presidential race 45-36 Trump. i dunno man you tell me what you think presidential undecideds who are going for Colin Allred are going to do in November
the inside out characters in my head
the inside out characters in my head
My circles for the past week. @kellyblivion.bsky.social Kelly has a great vibe @manyeyedgirl.bsky.social I'll have your baby, Rosa @missatombomb.bsky.social Love Daffy. @thewanderingjew.bsky.social Good...dude.. @starshine.bsky.social The brains of BS
transition is poking your head out the trenches and realizing theres no more gunfire to duck away from, and rushing out a hole in the ground you didnt realize youve been hiding in all your life. it wont always be easy up there–it's no man's land–but you'll breathe the fresh air and it'll be worth it
It's fucking scary especially to start but soon enough it's just life. And sooner or later you realize that hiding in the hole was just waiting for death.
transition is poking your head out the trenches and realizing theres no more gunfire to duck away from, and rushing out a hole in the ground you didnt realize youve been hiding in all your life. it wont always be easy up there–it's no man's land–but you'll breathe the fresh air and it'll be worth it
So uh... anybody with a bigger megaphone than me want to help a butch out? The Gilbert Baker Foundation & CMG are asking a settlement from us for referring to the Gilbert Baker flag/original color scheme as the "Gilbert Baker flag" of twice what we've ever made from anything with those colors.
Who has two thumbs and got a legal threat from the lawyers for the Gilbert Baker foundation because he gave credit to Gilbert Baker as the creator of the original Pride flag on items that use that colorway? YEP!
you know what it was like being full of the wrong hormone? scurvy. i was fucked. my body hurt. thinking felt like sucking oatmeal through a straw. if you’re trans, the right hormone hits like orange juice when you’ve had scurvy. i’m still on a sinking pirate ship, but my body & brain work again.
if an anvil crushed my face tomorrow, i’d keep taking estrogen because it’s been a more effective treatment for misery than all the therapy & psych meds & street drugs & booze i consumed. everything’s still everything, but i no longer feel like i’ve got a hand behind my back.
also and i am so fucking serious, being a perfectly average looking woman is 4000x better than whatever existence you have imagined you could live if you looked like a supermodel
To clarify for all my followers who think they're cis men but dream of being hot babes: - The chances are good you'll be hotter than you think you will (dysphoria lies!) - The hormone change will likely make you FEEL better regardless
barring Biden changing his mind this seems to me to end it. there is not a viable mechanism for getting Biden out if he doesn't want to go and he thinks he's functional.
yr gonna be hotter than that goofy faceapp gender swap u tried as a joke, for the bit, haha just to see what it looks like aha
To clarify for all my followers who think they're cis men but dream of being hot babes: - The chances are good you'll be hotter than you think you will (dysphoria lies!) - The hormone change will likely make you FEEL better regardless
The feminine urge to apologize for cumming all over her nice sheets
the feminine urge to apologize for apologizing too much
To clarify for all my followers who think they're cis men but dream of being hot babes: - The chances are good you'll be hotter than you think you will (dysphoria lies!) - The hormone change will likely make you FEEL better regardless
Yep, my weird claim to fame is telling eggs that their fears of not being attractive as a woman is literally dysphoria lol It's true!
Looks like I’m celibate next week. Fuck.
Wife: If Germany loses this... Me: Oh no Her: No girlfriends for a week. Me: GTFO Her: I said what I said (Spain scores literally 20 seconds later) Me: Sigh