
What you would do when authoritarianism comes to America is what you're doing right now
That goes for people with actual power, too. Biden ain’t jailing Trump I’ve noticed.
The Justice department is in the process of prosecuting Trump for actual crimes. It’s been in the news and everything.
They’ve been moving very slow on it, and I don’t think Biden has been involved.
Right, because trials take time. There is a very good reason why the president is not supposed to be directly involved in prosecutorial decisions. If you think really hard for a minute, it might come to you. Maybe look back up at the screenshot in the post you are replying to.
Right, my point is that if Trump is willing to wield that power, and Biden isn’t then we’re screwed. If Trump can do all of these things then why can’t Biden do the same to prevent it. Some actions are bad and some actions are good. Depends on the context.
Ah, yes, the old “becoming an authoritarian to prevent the country from sliding into authoritarianism” trick.
Well then we’re doomed for authoritarianism. Enemies foreign and domestic. Either Trump is an enemy to the constitutional order or he isn’t. Presidents have taken authoritarian powers in the past to deal with potential catastrophe. But I guess our hands are tied by what, pride, ego?
Just in time, the SC just have Biden the power to prosecute Trump and the GOP as he feels warranted. Good news for saving democracy. He can do it regardless of our vote.