
What you would do when authoritarianism comes to America is what you're doing right now
I’ll gladly take 2024’s FDR over Stalin and Adolf’s love child
This is MAGA porn - pain & suffering of your enemies on live TV.
This is only going to get worse
If you don’t think there’s an incredibly obvious distinction between the two, then you have truly lost your way. There is nothing about Biden that puts our democracy fundamentally at risk.
biden has a responsibility for preserving our democracy if he feels it’s at risk, it’s up to him to do anything and everything in service of that instead, he platformed the one he’s campaigning on putting it at risk on a debate stage, and then tripped over his own dick all night
Notice how that post blatantly lacks another name? Literally any name of anyone you think is better for any reason whatsoever? Names that can be applied to future ballots -_-
People who can win? No one but Biden. Swap him out (even though his record is massive) and it shows weakness. You could swap him with Jesus and trump would win. Unity is what Republicans have and what we need.
I'm looking for solutions and answers I just know "not X" only goes so far
Donald Trump needs to go to prison for a long, long, time.
but he won’t and he’ll be the president again because the world is broken
Unless, of course, we stop him. By voting & doing a little work now.
good luck… but it’s gonna take a whole lotta work am also concerned for my own country 🇨🇦
Yes, feels like a wave of fascism rising. F them!
So apparently I would be desperate to do something effective to stop it but really confused about what, beyond trying to keep one guy from getting elected, I should be doing. The one guy thing is essential, but the crisis goes way beyound that. Oh, yeah, and trying to figure out how to survive.
So far all I've got is "try to get that one guy *and his crew of sycophants up and down the ballot* from getting elected." It's slow, yeah. But it's what I can do without going to jail. I started here.
Vote Vote Forward volunteers send heartfelt handwritten letters to unregistered and low-propensity voters encouraging them to participate in our democracy. The letters have been shown to significantly boos...
He is such an extreme danger to this Country! It's so sad that there are so many vulnerable uneducated people that believe him!!! #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy
How do you reach someone who is 1 of the two quoted? (small purple town in Kansas, quote sought by Swedish newspaper looking for (and finding) Trumpers) "Both say Trump's commitment to Christian values while in the White House is important to why they support him now." It's so wrong & so believed
I don't know because I don't understand it myself! My sister who is a "Born Again Christian " votes for Trump along with 5 of her kids 4 of whom are girls! She's so afraid of Socialism, but not Facism? Like Jesus wasn't a Socialist?? It's mind boggling!
I have a relative who is like that. Her life is funded by social security and Medicare, without which she would be on the street. She rails against socialism and baby killers. She doesn't get the irony and she swallows every right-wing meme that comes along.
Ran into an older guy with a T-shirt about TFG and no socialism and I laughed and rolled my eyes. He stopped and angrily said, “So, you want socialism?” I said, “Do you like your SOCIAL security? If you vote for that lying, grifting FELON, you can kiss it goodbye. Have a blessed day!”
I am afraid to do something like that here in Floriduh. Concealed carry without a license is rampant.
It is totally mind boggling that the people can't look in the mirror fora reality check!!
I feel like America is going to go through some things
No, nothing worse than we have. It’s just going to happen to white people.
I … would actually be fine with Liz Cheney being prosecuted. Even if I jump to the wild conclusion that she hasn’t done some heinous shit, the absolute stench of her father might be enough. In any case, what you would do when the President commits genocide is what you are doing right now.
Absolutely not. The sins of her father belong to him and the people who made him what he was. Liz Cheney has a conscience and unconditional patriotism and we need more of her.
Sure sure, sins of the father and all that. But hard disagree on Liz Cheney being anything other than a piece of garbage.
Did knowingly losing her job in leading the 1/6 committee investigation into trump move the needle any for you? As she was debating her guaranteed replacement she stood by America and what's right.
So, the bare minimum is all you need?
Standing up against your own party is more than the bare minimum. I can point you to 200 other Congressmen doing the bare minimum; how can she be doing the same?
That goes for people with actual power, too. Biden ain’t jailing Trump I’ve noticed.
The Justice department is in the process of prosecuting Trump for actual crimes. It’s been in the news and everything.
They’ve been moving very slow on it, and I don’t think Biden has been involved.
Right, because trials take time. There is a very good reason why the president is not supposed to be directly involved in prosecutorial decisions. If you think really hard for a minute, it might come to you. Maybe look back up at the screenshot in the post you are replying to.
Right, my point is that if Trump is willing to wield that power, and Biden isn’t then we’re screwed. If Trump can do all of these things then why can’t Biden do the same to prevent it. Some actions are bad and some actions are good. Depends on the context.
Ah, yes, the old “becoming an authoritarian to prevent the country from sliding into authoritarianism” trick.
My dog would be a better POTUS than Trump🤡
Quote from Burn Boo by Kara Swisher’s “Groups like the nazis used media and communication tools to twist facts, radicalize their populace, and demonize the targeted populations. Obviously, Hitler and his henchman had conducted a master class in evil” Imagine if they had had modern tools…
Liz Cheney? I'm not worried about the political class eating each other. They deserve the Hague or a gibbet here
If you think authoritarianism is a foreign concept to the USA then you will never be able to fight it.
I have argued for ways to fix the system and prevent it, all to have people fight against those changes and embrace the systems enabling the rise of totalitarianism.
Ummmm. Call me crazy, but shouldn’t military tribunals befor military personnel only?