
Indeed. Biden would've done better to respond to the first thing Trump said, regardless of subject, with, "this guy's the biggest fucking liar on the planet and just got convicted of fraud and when he was in the White House he killed abortion rights and laundered millions from foreign dictators."
I honestly think that the fact that Biden improved throughout the first debate & is still doing well makes me think that something about Democratic debate prep is plain busted. The same thing happened for Al Gore at his first debate. The same thing happened for Barack Obama's first debate in 2012.
Thinking about the shiv Elizabeth Warren wielded against Bloomberg in that one debate
I rewatch that from time to time, just to watch the light leave his eyes, Ralph Wiggum-style, the moment she ends his ambitions once and for all. It's a masterful evisceration.
oooh, what should I search for in YouTube to find this?
oh gosh that is satisfying. thank you!!