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30F, Finland.
Game dev, writer and aspiring comic artist.

Loves fantasy, history and chatting about OCs!

Usually SFW but some horror/undeath
Ahhh, that's a shame. D: Hopefully you'll feel better soon!
I p-much only use Toyhouse as storage, but good to know! Will you still update here whenever you do add something new or will TH be your main? o:
Ohhh, a travel fantasy sorta story? o: I'm not sure what Beholders are beyond hearing the word maybe twice, but I assume they're some kinda monsters? 👀 Having such as rulers of nations sounds like an interesting problem for the cast to solve, assuming saving the world is on the schedule. :D
Reposted byAvatar Eiliakins
If you see this, post something fantasy/DND from your portfolio! Let's do some #artfight2024 attacks!! The pink bard belongs to @/Ninja_Sylveon, and the other 2 characters belong to @sadincae.bsky.social! [ #art #oc #dnd #ttrpg #pathfinder #pf2e #tiefling #bard #witch #summoner]
If you see this, post something fantasy/DND from your portfolio! I don't play DND but I do love fantasy so... 👀 I'll add something historical fantasy since I guess that's what the DND theme looks for. xD A teaser comic I made last year! I had to fit it in 4 pages for a challenge. :U #art #oc
Ohhh, those pixel chibis are so clean! Especially the colour changes in the second one. :3c And such fun palettes! And loving the use of textures in the first one! o:
Reposted byAvatar Eiliakins
If you see this -- post something fantasy/DND from your portfolio 🎲🐉!! Fantasy? D&D? Those're specialties of mine!! I am literally working on a comic within this genre and I love the characters and story so much I look silly!!
If you see this, post something fantasy/DND from your portfolio! I don't play DND but I do love fantasy so... 👀 I'll add something historical fantasy since I guess that's what the DND theme looks for. xD A teaser comic I made last year! I had to fit it in 4 pages for a challenge. :U #art #oc
Ah, what fun character designs. :3c And a fun art style too! Sol and Nox seem like such a fun couple(?) to root for! And always happy to see more webcomic passion projects. 👀 The outfits sure make me curious what kind of world they live in!
Reposted byAvatar Eiliakins
If you see this, post something fantasy DnD from your portfolio! I have mostly fantasy, and loads of DnD inspired stuff tho it’s getting dated bc my groups been messing with different systems.
If you see this, post something fantasy/DND from your portfolio 🐲 (that's my whole portfolio so xD)
Reposted byAvatar Eiliakins
If you see this, post something fantasy/D&D from your portfolio My speciality! #dnd #dndartist #fantasyart #commission
If you see this, post something fantasy/DND from your portfolio 🐲 (that's my whole portfolio so xD)
If you see this, post something fantasy/DND from your portfolio! I don't play DND but I do love fantasy so... 👀 I'll add something historical fantasy since I guess that's what the DND theme looks for. xD A teaser comic I made last year! I had to fit it in 4 pages for a challenge. :U #art #oc
If you see this, post something fantasy/DND from your portfolio 🎲🐉 (most of the stuff I draw tbh...)
Very possible. I wish I could say "it won't happen again!" but I think I'd need Bluesky to have a box that says "Have you checked the pronouns you used?" that has to be ticked before the message is sent but I suppose that might be too niche a feature for anyone to implement. 😂
Reposted byAvatar Eiliakins
Quick doodle between artfights! Pay attention to Johsie or he'll pass away #art #oc #ocart
OH. Shoot, sorry, I knew that but easily forget to check my messages since my native language doesn't have gendered pronouns and my brain defaults to 'he'. 😭
Reposted byAvatar Eiliakins
(The last of the art sitting on my page I HAVE AN ARTFIGHT REVENGE THAT NEEDS INKING) I designed Ana’s dad, Vestal, for my dnd campaign and I accidentally made him a himbo help.
Ohhhh, what pretty features! The hair, the headband, the eyes and jaw... :') Great work already! No need for help! You're doing just fine! Just fine indeed. vuv
Reposted byAvatar Eiliakins
even more revenge!! (attack number 19!) this one for is Winrys for artfight.net/~Trunksette I see a witch in the character list... i draw the witch *nod nod* also the freckles~! I love drawing freckles #artfight2024 #teamstardust
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Getting new glasses next month after like. What. 7 years? I'm curious how this will affect my ability to read on the computer. 👀 At the moment? Reading's hard. Everything is blurry and astigmatism makes the text bleed. I have to squint even to read THIS text while writing. 😂 But sooooon. :3c
100 OC Challenge - Bolero This one was my first Pokemon OC. :3c He's no-longer one, but he's still a fire-elemental werebeast! He's a bit of a hothead and he probably got his magic a bit too young... I'm still unsure what his Big Story will be but he is adventurous MC material. :p #oc #art
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I was sad so I drew a happy Talin to cheer me up. #ocart #spanishartist
What a sweet doodle. :3c Hopefully his attempt was successful in cheering you up! He looks like he's trying his best! Such a good expression and pose. :3c
I figure it's pretty normal. o: Like hearing a loud clang sound as you fall asleep + the feeling of falling that snaps you awake? There's also the colourful "auras" I try to ignore. I once watched them with the intention of trying to spot when I fell asleep, they morphed into angry zombie faces. 😂
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I am taking time away from social media this week to catch up on commissions I owe folks. Don't forget, my commissions are open and they are one of my only sources of income (i also do comic flats and writing edits for friends & family) Email me if you want a commission to help out!
My commissions are OPEN! 2 Regular Commission Slots open 4 Animated Commission Slots Open Email me at the address in my bio if you're interested! #Commissions #AnimationCommission #CommissionsOpen #CommsOpen #Commission #emote #gif
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[OCs] Mammon and his demon guitar SoundByte that totally won't take a nibble out of you totally not!!! #ocart #characterdesign
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[OCs] I had a dream where Immortalis and Mortem had to go undercover in the living realm so here's the boys as humans :> Immort is stupid pretty lol
Reposted byAvatar Eiliakins
Thank you for hosting! I'm a hobbyist webcomic artist, I mostly draw comic pages and OC designs (and the very occasional fan art) ❤️. I'm currently working on a dark fantasy / sci-fi comic, Out of Memory, you can read the first three chapters here: tapas.io/series/Out-o... (P.S. I'm under 200!)
Reposted byAvatar Eiliakins
Something in the making 📞👀 "A dispatcher finds himself entangled in a dangerous game when a murderer takes interest in him and tries to get his attention through..... drastic means"
Top left, I assume? XD Thanks. :3c I really need to figure out his new story as I no-longer have him in that first group. xD
Thank you. :3c Grassy boy got his full-grass hair! And yet so much of him stayed the same. xD