
I know that Heritage is a boogeyman right now, somewhat deserved. But as someone who has read more of their work product than pretty much anyone: this is not a well-oiled machine of an organization in 2024. They are less capable than ever at actually pulling off something like this.
I sure hope all the Dems calling for Biden to step aside have gamed out the fuckery that the Heritage Foundation is planning
For example, read their "Index of Military Strength" - something they regard as a marquee work product. Who is this for? Does anyone expect a serious policymaker to use this to do anything? It's methodology is basically "researchers wave hands." It's purpose is to create an annual Fox News segment
2024 Index of U.S. Military Strength | The Heritage
I thought that the ballot access in pretty much every state is for the Dem party and until he’s formally nominated Biden himself is not officially on any ballot.
Isn’t the goal to simply provide the framework and then install the administration to carry it out? Likewise, simply push the legal framework out to the placed judges?
Project 2025 is just a new name on top of the policy planning they've done before every presidential election. The difference is that we're all expecting Trump to staff the government with more of the far-right faction of the party than center-right faction in contrast to 2016.
The question, though, is whether they actually need to be a well-oiled machine if certain states are willing to take the bait.
On this specific question, I don't see any reason to believe that they are capable of pulling off some kind of national ballot access fuckery.
Seems like as it’s abandoned its role as a think tank, in favor of advocacy, Heritage has sacrificed its ability to impact policy
I think he just wants to host the 5pm hour on Fox News.
He’s going to have to pry that out of Dave Brat’s hands