Sarah Posner

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Sarah Posner

Newsletter: The Looking Glass

Author, Unholy.

MSNBC columnist. TPM contributor. Moment columnist.

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Reposted byAvatar Sarah Posner
The answer to political anxiety is political organizing.
Reposted byAvatar Sarah Posner
If only our news media institutions found "ex-president promises to jail and try opponents for treason if he takes back power" as newsworthy as "unnamed aide said current president gets tired after having a full day of work."
Presidential candidate who the far-right members of the Supreme Court just placed above the law tells voters how he will exercise his new powers.
Reposted byAvatar Sarah Posner
Either the Democrats will run Biden, or he'll say he can't continue the campaign and Democrats will run Harris. Either is newsworthy, but neither is nearly as radical as running a pro-insurrection convicted felon with legal immunity he's eager to use.
Reposted byAvatar Sarah Posner
Please read this thread
1/ I'm agnostic as to whether Biden should withdraw from the race. It's a genuinely tough question IMO. But I have clarity on one thing: He should absolutely not step down as president. If Harris becomes President, the Vice Presidency is empty. Under the 25th Amendment ...
*if R nominee doesn't ... (sorry for the typo)
Obviously the "evangelicals will stay home of R nominee doesn't do X" is the oldest Christian right play in the book. Plus, the base is *actually* enthusiastic about Trump, with or without the platform. Still, though, purging allies from the platform committee is ... quite a thing.
Reposted byAvatar Sarah Posner
Correct. It may or may not be wise for Biden to withdraw. But for the record, hypothetical match-ups are not good evidence of how well different candidates will actually perform. Popularity can change a lot in either direction when someone becomes a candidate for president.
Case in point: the long timeline of Hillary Clinton's approval polling. Favorability dropped when she became a candidate for senate, rebounded when she was SecState and not a candidate, dropped when she ran for President.
Hillary Clinton Favorable Rating at New Hillary Clinton's favorable rating has dipped to 36%, the lowest Gallup has measured for her. Bill Clinton's favorable rating is now his lowest since 2001.
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Historians try not to invoke LBJ, whose decision to step down led to catastrophe, or Lincoln, whose choice of unifying veep was even worse, challenge
is it 5 o'clock somewhere
Please read this thread
1/ I'm agnostic as to whether Biden should withdraw from the race. It's a genuinely tough question IMO. But I have clarity on one thing: He should absolutely not step down as president. If Harris becomes President, the Vice Presidency is empty. Under the 25th Amendment ...
Trump is capitalizing on this moment, with help from the press Check out my newsletter-->
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Reposted byAvatar Sarah Posner
there are lots of good summary materials, like this one looking specifically at climate implications: they talk, for instance, about the importance of completely discontinuing “alarmist” climate research
‘Project 2025’ Would Be Disastrous for Our Nation and Our The plan is a threat that should be taken seriously.
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If only a Founder made this exact point, in the Federalist Papers, to explain separation of powers. Oh wait that's exactly what Madison wrote. "It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government."
idk it just seems to me that laws, like tech, should be created with the question "what would the worst person i know be able to do with this power" in mind and it's truly incredible how much this opinion fails at that basic task
Reposted byAvatar Sarah Posner
Honestly still in shock that the most crooked American President in history said "I need immunity" and the GOP Supreme Court said "well, it's nowhere in the constitution, but sure, why not? Whats the worst that could happen?"
Reposted byAvatar Sarah Posner
That is an open threat. Terrorism as politics.
sure it’s heritage being heritage, but their continued escalation of the violent rhetoric and threats is not to be taken lightly. especially not after j6
"boldly to the right" "nature of politics"
Reposted byAvatar Sarah Posner
“NOTUS, headed up by the former publisher of Politico.” Ah ok, now their shit makes *way* more sense to me. Glad to know I can safely ignore this new publication.
See how this works? You can just get "dementia patient" and "chaos" in a news story, which is great for your side regardless of what the Dems do--you get to cement those two concepts in the readers' minds. Congratulations everyone.
All I can say is the "panicking" Dems better be fucking ready to coalesce around Harris and fast, because if this shit is going to happen, it can't keep dragging out with the political reporters feasting on emojis and juicy quotes
Reposted byAvatar Sarah Posner
The reactionary centrism of the NYT is all in on helping to usher in fascism, which they will continue to frame through anodyne euphemisms
Like this shit isn’t what we “need to hear.” It’s doing a he said she said on the abetting of open fascism and the weaponization of our government by a criminal while saying those fears are just claims that liberals made.
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I'm going back to bed because i can't turn today off and then on again
I thought “RFK ate a dog” was metaphorical, but I was startled to find out today that RFK really *did* eat a dog and took comedy photos with the corpse
If Biden does step aside, I hope that all the complainers that they are not "excited" about the race will now be "excited"
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There will be procedural and electoral issues to keep in mind if Biden moves on. I continue to think the only realistic option is Kamala. Any running mate for her would need to be from a safe seat. For that reason, people trying to game this out are much more focused on governors than Congress.