
Oh no is there gonna be like an equivalent of Mad Men about the early 2000s which will kick off a new trad movement from people who are like “I want it to be like 2002 when men were men and women were women and everyone was gorgeous” like people were about Mad Men and the early 60s in the 2000s
Oh no I remember the introduction of Diet Doctor Pepper, I was double digits old at least That means retro is… my childhood I know I realize the 90s are the new 50s and freak out every few minutes but in my defense time is a fuck
Now I’m imagining movies 30 years from now that will be portraying 2024 in a haze of childhood nostalgia, having something like people talking about Donald Trump being convicted on TikTok in the same way that 90s movies used hazy nostalgic memories of JFK and the moon landing on television
“Our parents had it so much easier,their parents engaged in rational conversation on online platforms like Twitter and Bluesky and made long video essays, and society just kinda worked. You know Donald Trump once sent people $1200? You’d never see that from President MrBeast, supposed lib”
“Our parents had it so much better, they grew up with good character driven film and television in the booming streaming era. Everybody back then was on ketamine and they were against all the wars. Literally everyone was in a polycule.”
“I wish I’d grown up in the ‘20s, it must have been exciting to protest alongside popular political musicians like Eve6”
“It must have been nice to have traditional gender roles, when women were supposed to look like Taylor Swift and men were supposed to look like Brendon Urie” “No that’s two totally different eras” “It’s basically the same era, mom”