American National Election Studies

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American National Election Studies

The ANES collects high quality, non-partisan survey data on voting and public opinion. Tweeting about new data, analyses by the public and more.
Shanto Iyengar of Stanford says, "The unparalleled ANES time series data have made possible the discovery of an entirely new subfield of American politics - the phenomenon of affective polarization or animus across the party divide. #ANES75th #AffectivePolarization #polisky
Lena Centeno of Westat reviews the use of live video interviewing in the ANES 2020 Time Series Study and Westat's building on that experience when implementing video as a mode in the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. #ANES75th #AAPOR24
Andrew Hupp evaluates several approaches for encouraging participation in live survey interviews using videoconferencing, with a focus on results from the ANES 2020 Time Series Study and ANES 2023 Video Pretest. #ANES75th #AAPOR24
Avatar I can't imagine a time when I won't rely on ANES data for research and teaching - there's no better source for trends in U.S. political behavior and elections. #ANES75th More at
John Aldrich of Duke Political Science has been an ANES Board Member since 2003 and served as the Board Chair from 2009-2024. The Principal Investigator presented John an inscribed plaque "in recognition of [his] ongoing commitment and dedicated service. #polisky
Yesterday the ANES board meeting began at Michigan's ISR. The advisory board and PIs, Shanto Iyengar, Daron Shaw & Sunshine Hillygus, help finalize the 2024 study. We thank everyone for their wisdom and guidance as we move towards the data collection period. #polisky
Interesting shifts in political preferences take place among Black and Hispanics recently -- but no sign of "realignment" in party ID over a more extended period
As a part of our 75th anniversary celebration, Michigan's Center for Political Studies invited researchers to comment on the contribution ANES to their scholarship and understanding of American politics. #ANES75th
Austin Cutler of Florida State University uses the ANES 2016-2020 Panel to examine the relationship between affective polarization and policy attitudes. #MPSA2024 #ANES75th
McKenzie Bennett of Notre Dame uses ANES 2020 data to look at the socio-demographic and political characteristics, socio-psychological orientations, and attitudinal consequences of White allyship. #MPSA2024 #ANES75th
Caroline Fowler et al use the ANES 2020 dataset and cueing theory to examine how Trump denouncements influenced the attitudes of his supporters toward the UN, WHO, and NATO. #MPSA2024
There's still time to join the #MPSA2024 poster session and reception to celebrate #ANES75th. Grab some ANES swag courtesy of UMs Center for Political Studies.
Celebrating 75 years of the ANES at #MPSA2024: Junior scholars present new directions in ANES research in the April 4 poster session.
Be sure to stop by the poster session and reception today, April 4 from 3-4:30pm (4-5:30pm EDT) to celebrate the 75th year of ANES: New Directions from Junior Scholars. We’ve got a limited amount of swag, courtesy of UM’s Center for Political Studies.
New #data alert. The 2024 Pilot Study is available for download: Thank you to those who submitted ideas:
Celebrating 75 years of the ANES at #MPSA2024: Junior scholars present new directions in ANES research in the April 4 poster session.
We turn 75 this year! An #MPSA2024 panel will discuss challenges, innovations, and what comes next. With Tasha Philpot (chair),, Ted Brader, Daron Shaw & Leonie Huddy. 4/4/24 at 3 CDT, 4 EDT. #polisky #academicsky
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