
I think about this line a lot these days.
The rules are fine. Not following and/or deliberately misinterpreting and/or ignoring them is the problem.
But if the rules allow those who don't follow the rules or deliberately misinterpret the rules to amass enough power to do that with impunity, of what use are the rules?
Yes, crooks are gonna crook. If we let them crook, they're gonna keep on crooking. We gotta make sure the crooks know there will always be consequences.
But that would require new rules, since the current ones aren't doing that.
That's when Congress needs to it it's job (yes, I know, the GOP is not doing it's job, and collaborating, and all that ...)
But Congress isn't doing its job. Because there's no rule that requires them to. So of what use are the rules?
The rules don't matter and they have never mattered if they weren't backed by popular will. So now you have a substantial part of the US population saying "fuck the rules, they don't apply to our side." Those that disagree have to decide whether to fight back or let them do whatever they want.