
definitely not in team "ditch biden" but 10000% team "fire your comms director tomorrow"
tbf I was in team "fire your comms director" long ago. But tomorrow is a good day to course-correct
This election is about values, not policies. It was *always* about values and not policies. This was obvious to anyone with half a brain-cell from the first day that Trump announced he'd be running again. Every single comms person who does not get that should be given their severance and a reference
Every single question needs a pivot to values. "Why shouldn't we deport all those immigrants?" Great question Jake, because they are people, many of whom have lived here for decades and have lives here. And we don't just deport people, even if they do crimes, or else I'd have to deport Trump.
"What about inflation?" Great question Jake, love the question, it's my favorite. The reason for the inflation is because of COVID, which Mr Trump made catastrophic, and the war in Ukraine, started by Mr Trump's friend in Russia. That sucks! Mr Trump is lobbying in Congress to deny you help.
"Are you too old?" Fantastic question Jake, love the enthusiasm. You know, this country is pretty old too. I love this country. Even though it's very old and a little creaky sometimes, I love it dearly. I think it's future looks bright, and I'm proud to work for all the generations after me
"What about Ukraine?" Great question Jake, love it, my favorite question so far. America is blessed with liberty and safety, and I work every day to keep it that way. But it's our duty to defend liberty and our values overseas too, unlike Mr Trump, who wants to abandon our friends to subjugation
"What about your golf handicap" Wow, what a kooky question, so inventive. You know, I haven't had much time to work on my golf game these past few years because I've been working so hard for the American people to get us out of an inflation spiral started and made worse by Mr Trump over there
“Ask yourself, why does every fuckwit asshole billionaire want this obvious *loser* of a man to be President? So they can continue to fuck over every person who works for a living, because that’s what he did and he won’t stop them from doing it to you“
Needs workshopping but I am available to freelance for a very low rate of 2x what you’d pay some 28 year old from Deloitte