
The best piece of transition advice I heard but did not heed was that the more public time I spent as myself (that is to say, en femme), the better I would feel about myself. When my shrink told me that 20 some years ago, I thought he was full of shit. He wasn't.
Yeah but I get stared at, it’s so hard to be present and love myself while I already have such high social anxiety. I’m getting closer to being out in public by myself, but I don’t wanna go viral flipping out on someone! I just need therapy, venting on Bluesky doesn’t help lol
I've found social transition reduced my social anxiety. I used to take clonazepam every time I went shopping, but 2 years in, I don't have the rx anymore b/c I don't need it. I have a pre-planned response for people who verbally harass me: a sweet smile and a "bless your heart." Let them flip out.
"To add".. just bear in mind, society isn't social media. A lot of the vitriol is from cowards that you see and doesn't reflect actual society in scale to lived reality. Most people don't give a shit what you're doing. Most people are plugged in enough to realize trans shit is a non-issue.🤷🏻‍♀️
Very true. I've been verbally harassed less than ten times in public in over 2 years, varying from deliberate, malicious misgendering to having someone scream "silly f****t motherfucker" at me. It's a daily occurrence on social media, however.