Eva is a GenX Trans Hippie🏳️‍⚧️(she/her)🍉

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Eva is a GenX Trans Hippie🏳️‍⚧️(she/her)🍉


GenX trans woman trying to stay sane in the midst of madness. Landback. Abolish prisons. Defy your granfalloons.

evanerys on discord

PFP: Eva portrait pic
Today's (partly vicarious) dose of gender euphoria was my son marching in his 1st pride parade. He's been having hellacious dysphoria lately, but had a blast, and was completely full of trans joy all day long. Sadly, drama here at the shelter prevented my attendance, but he got me this souvenir:
France out here proving that actually you can tell the far right to go to hell even when it looks like they’re on track for a big victory are we going to let ourselves be shown up by the French?
French exit poll news and which seems a good sign
Today's dose of gender euphoria was sitting in the car, singing along to Red Wine Supernova, fully belting it out, and not stopping when I realized I was in a place where strangers were guaranteed to notice. I never used to have that kind of confidence before I started transition.
give me a movie character you're gay for
give me a movie character you're gay for
If you've ever given a doordash driver anything less than 5 stars for any reason short of turning donuts on your front lawn, you're an asshole.
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The best piece of transition advice I heard but did not heed was that the more public time I spent as myself (that is to say, en femme), the better I would feel about myself. When my shrink told me that 20 some years ago, I thought he was full of shit. He wasn't.
Amen. I still rate several Dustin Hoffman films as essential, in spite of the fact he's a sex pest. I don't see any reason to shun the art over the misdeeds of the artist. Ftr: Little Big Man, Marathon Man, The Graduate, Wag the Dog & Midnight Cowboy.
getting blocked & unfollowed by people for being critical of a millionaire sex pest they happen to have liked is unsurprising, but also still disappointing. if you really want, you can still like the art someone awful made without caping for them. stop worshipping powerful men. it never ends well.
Today's dose of gender euphoria was being called "ma'am" 5 or 6 times, without being called "sir" once. I think maybe I've reached the mudway point of the uncanny valley, where even unsupportive cis folks are becoming uncomfortable calling me "sir" in public.
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A fair assessment.
It's a corruption of ... well, of everything. An abrogation of humanity. You could call them Nazis, but Republicans and christians may earn a worse name than that before they're done, because we are dancing on the edge of climate catastrophe, and they want to burn the world.
Today's dose of gender euphoria was being called "my dear" by a paternalistic but kind old boomer cis man. Okay. It's a small one.
All forms of oppression intersect. Mask bans suppress protest, sicken and disable communities, and will most harm vulnerable groups: Black, trans, etc. Chevron ruling means more expensive healthcare. Bills and disability can unhouse you, which means jail to do slave labor. Resist. Do it in an n95.
Thread. I blame James Madison for all this. Happy Dependence Day to all the servile liberal cucks who've been tellling progressives and the left to not be so noisy and extreme. Burn it all down. There is nothing worth saving in this system.
thought that has been growing in my head a lot over the last year is that a lot of stuff is driven by a growing recognition that we have basically no influence on our elected officials' decisions from people who normally deeply believe in The Political Process and it is causing meltdowns
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Today's dose of gender euphoria is that I actually felt beautiful today. People call me beautiful once in a while, but I never believe it, but somehow, today, I felt it, and it was everything.
This country is so fucked up we celebrate our independence by tormenting veterans with PTSD. Someone please convince me it's worth saving.
Without downloading new pics, what's it like dating you?
without downloading new pics, what’s it like dating you?
idealism is a dick to progress. ive seen so many progressives fall by the wayside because of small discrepancies in philosophy... like, please, dont dunk on someone because they refuse to spell africa with a 'k'... aint none of us "revolutionaries" free... and we aint got time for that shit.
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Today's dose of gender euphoria was going to my first women's AA meeting, and being welcomed, and feeling quite at home.
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I found this in a Goodwill and JFC DTMFA
I got a $2 bonus after the fact Doordash tip from a household flying both Gadsden & thin blue line flags yesterday even after personally interacting with the customer, so they knew I was trans. Still trying to figure out how to feel about that.
I do not exist to increase shareholder value. I exist to tease cute girls until they promise me anything I want for release.
I do not exist to increase shareholder value. I exist to kiss girls and be cute.
I approve of this idea for everyone whose dysphoria isn't substantially helped by tucking. Me? I'm sitting alone in my room rn, tucked.
I cannot stress enough - The Supreme court questioned, specifically, by word, whether assassinating opponents was legal under presidential immunity. The answer was yes. THEY LEGALIZED IT ANYWAY. No solution is too radical now. None whatsoever.
if the supreme court, as it currently stands, is not remade or destroyed, we are living in an autocracy, one in which the people are utterly politically helpless. this situation cannot be allowed to stand. no solution to the problem of SCOTUS is too radical to consider, now.
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