
basically it turned the "gain knob" way down on my internal chatter, the upside of which was that i was less likely to get overstimmed in a "busy environment." and if you can't "hear" the knee-jerk train of thought that comes with RSD, it /can be/ less impactful. HOWEVER!
i tried an ADHD med that evened out mood swings a BIT, but ultimately made me more irritable on average because i couldn't hear my thoughts in the same way, specifically the "therapist voice" that helps keep me chilled and reminds me to stop masking from time to time.
i forgot to finish this - so like, the problem was if i can't hear my brain overreacting to something, and i can't hear my "stability voice" reminding me that i'm overreacting to something... it's like seeing the "check engine" light go on and just covering it up with a piece of tape or something.
So for me, this particular med wasn't very helpful. I suppose it helped me be "a better, more effective customer service representative" but effectively MORE stressed because i couldn't hear the stress well enough to unpack it.