2bit_natty (she/they)🔞 possum

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2bit_natty (she/they)🔞 possum


Musician! Artist! Non-binary transbian furry housewife! Cartoon character exiled to this dimension! Touched in the head! Elder Millennial! Leftie who should be doing more! Possum! She/They!
Ghost in the Shell is a trans story AND a gay story and it has cool robots, what more could one want
On this July 4, please pause to remember that one of the colonists’ complaints in the Declaration was that the Crown was paying its judges.
"I played 5 chords on the accordion and now i'm going to write a song about someone fighting their doppelganger that lives in their own skin" is a statement that can equally be applied to the Decemberists, and TMBG equally
I had forgotten how much fun playing accordion is - just noodle around in the vicinity of the key of A minor and you've got yourself a Decemberists song, sonny jim
the prophecy of gundam
welcome the global emperor (the imperial purple is passed down to whichever fortune 500 CEO has the highest net worth at the time of the predecessor's death)
saying things like "i know you didn't make this decision, and i'm sorry for being angry at you, but i need to understand that this is unacceptable, because " does actually help. they're essentially doing customer service for the officials.
You also have to maintain plausible deniability while being unbearably annoying: be pleasant to the office staff while wearing them down, or they'll label your number, name, and email, and just not interact with you at all.
My wife put on Igorrr in the car yesterday and it hit me like three pots of coffee at once. Also I need to practice my #accordion www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Vd2...
Igorrr - Houmous [audio]www.youtube.com YouTube video by Igorrr
also if anyone has suggestions for other places i could / should host my music, i'm all ears -- I've thought about looking into Spotify just to get a bit more reach, though I don't expect to ever get close to the amount of listens i'd need to make a cent.
I have a few new followers! Did you know I make music too? It's true! And it's free / "name your price" if your budget is tight :) And if you don't like it, maybe you know someone who would! Thanks for listening! 2bit-natty.bandcamp.com #furry #lgbtq #music #synth #chiptune #digitalart #art
sour candy, by 2bit_Natty2bit-natty.bandcamp.com 9 track album
See a tort, share a tort! This is Aya, our semi-feral <3
See a tort, share a tort! This is Trillian with her typical expression.
If you see this, post a picture from your phone but don't explain it
if you see this you have to post a picture from your phone but don't explain it
basically it turned the "gain knob" way down on my internal chatter, the upside of which was that i was less likely to get overstimmed in a "busy environment." and if you can't "hear" the knee-jerk train of thought that comes with RSD, it /can be/ less impactful. HOWEVER!
i tried an ADHD med that evened out mood swings a BIT, but ultimately made me more irritable on average because i couldn't hear my thoughts in the same way, specifically the "therapist voice" that helps keep me chilled and reminds me to stop masking from time to time.
"this so-ong i-is in the pub-lic domain that's why we used it twice"
I've said za in better towns than this
put the 🔞 up - i don't think i have any minors following me, but just in case - so i gotta do at least the bare minimum to cover my bases - i don't necessarily plan on posting anything NSFW here, but that possibility exists.
I am a pretty good synthesizer
whenever i see the name "Ahab" I can't help but think "assigned hubris at birth"
lord help us my mother has started lurking on the interwebs and reading the things the youngs say and last week I had to explain what AFAB stands for and 3 days ago she asked what the C in ACAB stands for and I have found out she told my dad that I explained to her ACAB is Assigned Cop At Birth fml
Also, for whoever needs to hear this: Sometimes it's okay to punt. It's okay to pivot, retreat, take a beat and re-evaluate when things get unsustainable. The world is not set up with artist's success in mind. It's the failing of an unfair, imbalanced system, not the failing of you as a person 🤍
I’ve said this before but if bears repeating: Your ‘best’ will look different day to day. Some days your best is getting your work done, and other days your best is getting up and putting on clothes. Be patient with your low days… the high days will come again. They always do. 🧡
Yesterday's doodle - i started drawing a cave interior, and decided to put me and my wife in it, like we found it on a hike or something :) #furry #art
Chandashekhar Azad, arguably the most underrated and overlooked major revolutionary of the 21st century once wrote in a letter that "We have long heard about the British right to rule India but I can now confirm that when I made a hole in a soldier's head he did not look like ruler but a corpse"
There’s this incredible quote in Rich Cohen’s “Tough Jews” about how people don’t feel much like ubermenschen with split lips
make something terrible!
The scene at the beginning of "Do Androids Dream" where Deckard's wife insists on using the electronic mood machine to experience a couple hours of absolute despair is a scene I think about a lot these days, usually while doomscrolling
I think the reason Philip K Dick is still the predominant SF writer of the last century is, he was the only one who foresaw a future where everything would be boring, inconvenient and dehumanising, and where the only way you can win is to somehow refuse to give up your humanity.
minus the breadlines tho
we are literally speedrunning the soviet collapse
We were promised being decapitated in a Katana fight working as street samurai for the Yokohama corporation and what we’re going to get is everyone endlessly barfing on the toilet because the Courts outlawed refrigerating beef