Emily L. Hauser

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Emily L. Hauser


Was: writer, librarian / Now: social justice comms / Always: huge nerd
The once & future verified.
I know I was born & I know that I'll die; the in-between is mine.
Emily, not Em

Want to read my writing? https://linktr.ee/EmilyLHauserPastWriting
After the Dobbs ruling, I made a new flag to fly on the Fourth of July. Today I made a second flag. I'm beside myself. Surely my old pillowcases + electrical tape will make all the difference.
Seems like a good day to reup this tweet from two years ago:
Noa Argamani, former hostage, in her father's arms after being freed: "One time [in captivity] I heard a report on the radio that people in Israel oppose an end to the war, & it broke me."
Engaging with a bad faith actor sometimes provides an opportunity to counter arguments that are being used by bad faith actors more broadly. It's the only reason to do so, truly. Here's an exchange I just had, in case the account preemptively blocks me:
[So. I don't ❤️ Discovery—if you ❤️ Discovery, that's delightful, all Trek rly is good Trek!—BUT THIS IS JUST TO NOTE: The archive thingy in which ALL SENTIENT BEINGS ACROSS ALL GALAXIES APPARENTLY USE BOOKS AS INFORMATION DELIVERY DEVICES nearly made my head explode. Even Mr. Atoz didn't use books!]
Most important post of the day:
The good people of Trinity College Dublin standing with Palestine. Ceasefire now. The only liberation is a shared liberation.
Singing for peace for all children outside of St. Giles in Edinburgh. Ceasefire now. The only liberation is a shared liberation.
A farm on the Isle of Skye (under a bright & beautiful sky) & and the good people of Edinburgh in Holyrood Park (& the apparently endless rain) showing up for Palestine. Ceasefire now. The only liberation is a shared liberation.
When you're looking for a job and LinkedIn is ON IT.
This exchange was with someone who was arguing *in support* of a point I'd made, not even the person who'd disagreed with me. Please don't do this. It's rude & unpleasant for all involved.
Tomorrow Emergency Solidarity Shabbat ⬇️
I've since blocked this account on Twitter & there's no need to go into their @'s, it just never fails to low-key amaze me that people will try to troll you by saying "no one cares" about a thing that has lit up both social & traditional media. Dude. SO MANY PEOPLE CARE—including, apparently, you!
Yeah I guess my seat for lunch was pretty ok
People are often surprised to learn that, after spending 11 feverish weeks in Covid isolation in my bedroom in 2020, I still love my bedroom. This is part of why. I wish you could hear the birds!
(it did some numbers over there too)
When his career with Tottenham is over, we're casting Cristian Romero as a Romulan, right?
I am trying Mr. Box.
Well I've gotten "draw blood whilst preparing for the Seder" out of the way.
It's impossible to overstate the urgent necessity of Breaking The Silence's work. Its members were IDF soldiers sent to maintain the occupation who saw exactly what that meant, emerged transformed, & refuse to remain silent. I just donated. I hope you will too. www.breakingthesilence.org.il
"Exposing that reality is the biggest and most important task that we at Breaking the Silence have ever had. We’re crowdfunding to make it possible. Please consider supporting us." 5/5
Now more than ever, silence is not an option.www.drove.com To donate in different currencies click here: NIS | GBP | EUR We were the ones sent to uphold our government's policy in the occupied Palestinian territories. We’ve seen the price of these...
Ok but this Bitter Southerner Issue No 7 cover though (📷 Erik Carter)
Blocked this account on Twitter but please note that my responses were yes, yes, yes, & fnck you, because you do not have to be any particular type of Jew to know that human rights means everybody & to recognize genocide when you see it. The only liberation is shared liberation. Ceasefire now.
Me, the closest I've ever come to cosplay, on my way to the Shatner doc 🖖 My hair is the best I could do in homage to Jadzia Dax, & I have two pips on my collar because I have realized that I would be a *great* Lieutenant & would never ever ever aspire to anything higher up the chain!
Four years ago today on Twitter.
TIL that the CDC has a museum and a COVID-19 timeline. #FourYearsAgoToday
Torres just tweeted this. To which I can only say: idk, can you guarantee that Israel will never again launch an aerial assault, ground incursion, or shoot anyone who gets within 300 m of the GAZAN side of the towering fence Israel built on what it determined unilaterally to be the border? [1/2]
#FourYearsAgoToday, the day Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson announced they had Covid & the NBA canceled a game & then the entire season because of Covid, Trump was cutting food stamps.