Emily L. Hauser

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Emily L. Hauser


Was: writer, librarian / Now: social justice comms / Always: huge nerd
The once & future verified.
I know I was born & I know that I'll die; the in-between is mine.
Emily, not Em

Want to read my writing? https://linktr.ee/EmilyLHauserPastWriting
May we rage when we must & rest when we can. May we seek the peace we so desperately need. May we turn our hands, in all things, to the justice that peace requires. The only liberation is a shared liberation. May we have courage sufficient to build it. Shabbat shalom❤️
Yup. Lots of people pointing out obviously this would be weaponized against LGBTQ folks. But also it just fundamentally bristles with a hostility towards privacy and freedom that runs through the entire project.
And, their definition of "porn" includes acknowledging the existence of trans people.
The US only began to approach genuine democracy with the Civil Rights Act in 1964; in 1973, women gained some access to the Declaration of Independence's "inalienable rights" when we finally gained some control over our own bodies. Maybe our grandchildren will get a chance to give it another go.
After the Dobbs ruling, I made a new flag to fly on the Fourth of July. Today I made a second flag. I'm beside myself. Surely my old pillowcases + electrical tape will make all the difference.
And I've reached the point where I, too, believe RBG ultimately failed the country she served so well for so long—yet it is DAMN telling that people are only too happy to lay the blame for what our white supremacist patriarchy has wrought at the feet of that one (1) woman.
Had we listened to Anita Hill, we wouldn't be here today. Had we listened to the women sexually abused by Trump, we wouldn't be here today. Had we listened to Christine Blasey Ford, we wouldn't be here today.
After the Dobbs ruling, I made a new flag to fly on the Fourth of July. Today I made a second flag. I'm beside myself. Surely my old pillowcases + electrical tape will make all the difference.
I just finished calling my senators and representative. It took me maybe 15 minutes, including looking up their phone numbers. Take the time to give yours a call. If you hate phone calls, make a script for yourself first and then just read it.
Harvey Milk taught us that hope will never be silent. I've been largely silent on social since last week, when some horror in Gaza (possibly just that Masha Gessen piece) drained me of any words to speak on anything. Then the last several days happened in the US. I remain, for now, largely silent.
Thinking about this as I've watched the doompost -> "now's not the time for doomposting" -> "let ppl doompost" cycle. The thing is, no one is doing well. If you're using this site *at all*, you are Having a A Bad Time. Some grace is in order. We're gonna need each other no matter what happens.
Thinking about this as I've watched the doompost -> "now's not the time for doomposting" -> "let ppl doompost" cycle. The thing is, no one is doing well. If you're using this site *at all*, you are Having a A Bad Time. Some grace is in order. We're gonna need each other no matter what happens.
Feel like we all need to give one another some grace to post embarrassing shit in times of deep national crisis
I find myself particularly uninterested in the shock and horror of conservatives who spent decades paving the way, right up until he walked into the Oval, for Trump's presidency and all that's come of it.
The United States has always been a democracy for some and a brutal authoritarian regime for others, and the effort to expand it to democracy for all has led to a 70+ year backlash culminating in SCOTUS claiming that kings are totes cool and also judges are the ones to coronate them
American democracy is a good idea. We should absolutely try it one day.
It's hard to process. It will probably take a generation to overturn. Possibly much much longer, if ever. But there's no way around working to overturn this. We've just been given a massive new challenge we didn't have yesterday.
I really cannot emphasize how catastrophically bad the Court's ruling was. I do my best not to exaggerate about these kinds of things but I am still kind of in shock
The 14th Amendment says if you were involved in an insurrection you can't be president. SCOTUS said they won't allow anyone to enforce that because of reasons they made up. The Constitution doesn't say the president is immune from criminal law. SCOTUS decided he is because of reasons they made up.
Had we listened to Anita Hill, we wouldn't be here today. Had we listened to the women sexually abused by Trump, we wouldn't be here today. Had we listened to Christine Blasey Ford, we wouldn't be here today.
Can't help noticing that the closest comparison to the pundit scheme to have Democratic leadership just put their heads together and pick a safe candidate is...the nomination of Joe Biden in 2020
So the guy with a poor debate performance needs to step down from consideration, but the guy who tried to overthrow democracy and who has admitted to sexually assaulting women is fine. Got it.
the New York Times Editorial Board is bullshit
You need this today. For morale.