Emily T

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Emily T


Southern Liberal
Living the American Dream, one struggle at a time
Gaming since '96
Happily Married
Running on fumes today but I wanted to #PostPositive before my likely crash. Y’all I’ve been having an absolutely wonderful time with the Elden Ring dlc. I tried some new weapons, farmed for dress up souls, and just generally had a blast.
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Background: I'm a professional science educator. Here's my wholesome story of the day. I've been going to a personal trainer to get back into shape after a LOT of injuries/surgeries. Each week we chat about some nerdy science thing. He isn't a science guy, but is very interested in it all. 1/?
Ahhh!!! Look what just came in! This thing is heavier than I expected! Look how thick it is! #DragonAge
Tried to get the Fire Monk Armor forever in Elden Ring. Then I turned my game on and my partner had gotten it for me. How sweet ❤️
Yesterday, I made more progress on my certification study and had a random writing episode where I busted out 5 pages. My partner was pretty impressed but I was like “eh I’ll probably lose interest tomorrow”. I completely did too lol. Side note: writing is completely random. I mostly play games.
Alright brain time to get some studying in. My brain in a matter of seconds. Ooo Fire Emblem, Dragon Age, social media, did I pay that bill, ugh I’ve got so much other to do, ah Elden Ring, wait I need breakfast….
I wear gloves at work because most of the offices I visit are too cold for my icy hands. Sometimes I feel like I’m getting ready for battle as I find myself tugging them back down 🤣
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Y’all, Gladiator was formative for me. I can’t believe Derek Jacobi is reprising his role. Even if it’s just a cameo that’s cool. I’m super pumped for this. Please don’t muck it up.
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I have a new graphic novel out today! I hope those who decide to pick it up enjoy it. ❤️
Got a pit stop for this nearly 9 hr drive and I figured I’d share some wisdom from driving across the country for the past 3 years. 🧵
Broke down and bought Tevinter Nights and the first five graphic novels. Hopefully they’ll arrive and I can read them before Veilguard comes out.
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Some of you have already caught it, but phase one of the new website update is done ~ kradeelav.com made lots of changes for accessibility & clarity & aesthetic tweaks that will (ideally) age gracefully in the next 5-10 years ♥
I’ve been challenging myself on a few fronts and getting some good results. New certification training: 90% practice quiz scores on over half the study materials so far Hard Mode Fire Emblem: on Chapter 17 and not giving up Now I’m going to add playing hand to hand combat in Elden Ring.
My 9 year old just called me to argue. Like pure stream of consciousness stuff. Favorite part was when she told me that if something was on a hanger it was technically clothes. Lmao she aught to be a Supreme Court justice.
Thinking about wearing a Bluetooth earbud when I walk around so I can talk to myself without arousing suspicion 🤣
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your ruin, my ruin (epilogue) // a #fireemblem fates gunter/corrin revelation strip. (1/2) after the fight against anankos, the possession, peace between nohr and hoshido - gunter and corrin have one last decision. 📚 based on the final scene of this fanfic: archiveofourown.org/works/522583...
your ruin, my ruin (epilogue) // a #fireemblem fates gunter/corrin revelation strip. (2/2) after the fight against anankos, the possession, peace between nohr and hoshido - gunter and corrin have one last decision.
No more socials for me today. Just Fire Emblem and Alkaline Trio.
It’s a crime against humanity(mine specifically) that my partner and I had a child free weekend and were both sick.
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Quick sketch cos I just wanted to draw him angry again. #DragonAge #EmmrichVolkarin
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I don't think y'all Emmrich Enjoyers are fully prepared for Sylvia's work. There's one particular scene she wrote I've seen literally dozens of times working on Emmrich missions and it gives me chills every. Single. Time.
fyi Sylvia Feketekuty - Emmrich’s writer - has no social media presence but wanted me to tell you all how thrilled she is to see the reception to him and can’t wait for you to meet him
I could go my whole life without ever flying again. I swear if they can mess something up, they will.
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It is not realistic to expect different emotional or behavioral results from ourselves if we are relating & talking to ourselves like our bullies & abusers did for years. And we've seen the emotional & behavioral results of that. If nothing changes, nothing changes.
Muahahaha I finally beat chapter 12 of Fire Emblem Conquest! Had to keep from shouting for joy in the airport lol.
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[🎨] quick little doodle because he seemed like he would be fun to stylise! so curious about this spooky old man... #DragonAge #Veilguard #EmmrichVolkarin
I know I’m the odd duck out on this one. But I often feel like Ezio trying to get through a crowd. Why y’all all walking at a snail’s pace? Y’all ain’t got anywhere to be?