
If we're all expected to rally 'round Biden, we can do the same for whoever he offers as his replacement.
Why, so there can be an intra-party fight between Kamala Harris and every other possible candidate? What, are you crazy? And Harris would be subject to the racism that hit Obama *and* the sexism that hit Clinton. I don't know that Biden can win but I'm pretty damn sure that no one else can.
Should, yes, and I absolutely will in the exceedingly unlikely event that Biden steps down and is replaced. But if we were confident that everyone _would_ do the right thing and vote for not-Trump, there'd be no electability argument to begin with. As it is, I'm old enough to remember Nixon ...
... and remembering the election where LBJ got replaced (after standing down much earlier in the process!) and the election where McGovern replaced Eagleton doesn't give me confidence that replacing Biden - after he won something like 99% of the vote - and persuading Harris to step aside as well ...
... gets us to victory. If people were all enthusiastic about Harris and all agreed that Biden's health had taken a sudden turn for the worse it might be a different story. As it is, replacing Biden would mean ...
... getting the person people actually voted for to step down and having some small group of people pick someone that they _think_ people will vote for. That plan would not go well. This isn't my "cope" - it's my panic at watching people try to turn a possibly 50/50 chance of winning ...
... which is already worse than it should be, into a near certainty of losing. And I'll vote for the Democrat, even if I wind up forced to vote for a doomed Democrat, because Trump is so much worse, and I'm determined to continue to fight the long defeat. But I want a fair chance of winning. /end