
"Defiant Biden" Who is Biden defying, one might ask?
At some point most people end dealing with a defiant elderly relative like this. Biden looked at what RBG did for ACB and wants to do the same for Trump. Don’t you dare try and stop him!
I think you misunderstand. Most people end up dealing with a stubborn elderly relative. Calling them "Defiant" suggests they are not their own autonomous people, which they are. More importantly, the media is not supposed to be the Daddys of politicians, voters are.
If 30% to 45% of my friends and family said I wasn’t capable of driving, I’d stop driving. Polls show 30% to 45% of Democrats want Biden to end his campaign.
Well, now you get to the issue of defiance. Because 80% of journalists are saying that, and Biden is thus far listening to the 85% of Democrats who said he should be the candidate rather than the 80% of often wrong pundits. Again, this is an issue of agency.
Yes, the age obsession of journalists isn’t fair. But Biden has proven he is incapable of solving that problem. And he had a huge hand in creating this problem.
Well if it's Biden's choice than it's not defiance. See how you're slowly understanding the point?
My family is dealing with some elderly relatives that are behaving just like Biden. We often call it “defiance.” You can call it whatever you want and blame the media for Biden’s god-awful campaign that is not going to stop being god-awful.
You know what I wish? I wish everyone with an elderly relative would stop making them the avatar of the president. You don't know Joe, don't spend time with him, aren't a doctor and don't know what his medical status is. His last report says he's fine. Stop making Joe into your fucking grandfather.
We all have eyes. He has been in public life for decades. The difference is obvious.
So you're a doctor, ok. So what does he have then, doctor?
It clear he is deteriorating from his younger self and he wasn't all that bright in his youth either. You can do this are you a doctor crap all you want but it doesn't change fact. Live in denial. When Trump becomes president it will be the fault of ppl like you who can't face reality.
No, it'll be because of babybrained idiots like you that don't know how any of these processes work, and are marinating day after day in idiotic clickbait blogs and big brained thinky podcasts that give you the mistaken idea that swapping the incumbent president and nominee in July is a good idea.
I watch Joe on TV. I don’t need a doctor to tell me he’s not capable of campaigning the way he needs to to beat Trump.
See, this is the kind of thing that I don't get. You're holding Biden to a standard that Trump himself cannot meet. Why must Democrats clear higher bars than Republicans? Do you think this attitude is helping the party stay in power? Trump is literally a criminal. This is not a normal election.
That's exactly my question too. Are we acting like Trump in 2024, leaving aside how monstrously evil he is, is as coherent as Trump of 2016? His brain has spent 4 years aging and marinating in the most toxic conspiracy stew you can find. Biden being a bit slower is still no comparison.
Biden is a slightly slower version of a sane, intelligent man. Trump is the guy who pretends to win golf tournaments at his age at his private golf club. He's nuts! And people think he can't be beaten unless Biden is perfect? Less hand-wringing, more anti-Trump attacks. That's what we need.
I’m holding Biden to a higher standard because I want a nominee who is capable of running a campaign that can beat Trump. Biden has proven he not capable.
I'm pretty sure that, if we're talking about 'proof', that Biden has proven he can beat Trump in a national election. You know, it's easy to say what you say as long as you're not required to provide an alternative. A replacement at this stage would likely be a lamb to the slaughter.
Now you're talking about two different things. He can be a president you wish would run THIS way or THAT way. He CANNOT be your elderly relative who you know for sure has lost it.