
Even if you have a cute little garden you won't produce enough to live or feed a family in a societal collapse. You will always need other people. You will have to work your ass off every day and fight men at the same time. Y'all don't put laundry away for days.
Bold of you to assume I don't wear the laundry straight off the dryer
Nobel Prize winner Carl Wieman has two dishwashers in his kitchen. Dishes come out of one dishwasher, get used, and go directly into the other dishwasher. The dishes never see the sink nor the cabinets.
When I was on my own and 20 with 3 plates and 2 cups and 2 pots to my name I did this with 1. I still hand-washed my dishes then I did not use the dishwasher outside storage lol
One in the eye for the evil conglomerate Ikea