
Even if you have a cute little garden you won't produce enough to live or feed a family in a societal collapse. You will always need other people. You will have to work your ass off every day and fight men at the same time. Y'all don't put laundry away for days.
Subsistence farming is not a 10hr/wk job, it's all-the-hours/wk.
If you happen to live somewhere that's suitable. My location isn't - they tried in the late 1700s / early 1800s and then moved to Ohio because it wasn't working.
Right. People don't listen in history class. They think they will be able to carry on as usual. You will be hungry, afraid, tired af all the time. You are not doing nothing with those 20 potatoes you harvested lol
i've been busting my ass since January and of all the stuff I tried growing i got...a handful of tomatoes and one eggplant. Corn died...herbs are fine but not food food. Suburbs soil is awful and stripped of nutrients, most folks dont realise how hard growing food really is!
Right and when you have nothing else to eat crops dying is a death sentence. You will still need community to make it. Navigating that is a skill set most Americans do not have. I know I don't. It would be a nightmare. So people asking for this are talking out their ass lol
These are the people who will eat the seed corn / potatoes / etc. (You *can* farm in Berkshire County, but you're not growing enough of the critical staples that provide the bulk of calories. But there are nice resorts and an excellent dairy. And lots of cannabis.)
Bold of you to assume I don't wear the laundry straight off the dryer
Nobel Prize winner Carl Wieman has two dishwashers in his kitchen. Dishes come out of one dishwasher, get used, and go directly into the other dishwasher. The dishes never see the sink nor the cabinets.
When I was on my own and 20 with 3 plates and 2 cups and 2 pots to my name I did this with 1. I still hand-washed my dishes then I did not use the dishwasher outside storage lol
One in the eye for the evil conglomerate Ikea
Living in a Society has its downsides but I really cannot overstate how great it is being able to walk ten minutes in basically any direction and encounter someone willing to trade me food for a universally accepted currency. It's not something we should discard easily!
Imagine how extra dry it is after four more days hanging up.
Yes but it starts to get spiders.
I'm going to put it away. Fine!
This has always struck me as an oversight in the prepping world. They want and to keep isolated. Fat lot of good that’ll do if you get a kidney stone or need new boots. If you’re gonna prep, learn the language of local immigrant communities, buy one of those two person saws, learn to build things.
Individualism in America makes people think they can go at life alone despite all the evidence that you can't. You need people with different skill sets to survive. It is delusional lol
Bisexual disaster sailor emma used to date people specifically to gain bits of their different skill sets
Like ship's engineers, shipwrights/woodworkers, etc. But your point is definitely more broadly true!!
You are smart I definitely try to learn from everyone that is why I don't just follow historians. Be teachable and teach others is the way. I am so glad my work experience has been diverse too. It only enhances your knowledge and understanding of communities outside of your own.
Yessss!! The problem for a lot of folks is being teachable, tho πŸ™ƒ
Clean water & salt will be the new gold & dysentery, cholera, food poisoning etc will be rampant. Then the preppers couldn't stop talking about it for 15 years get raided by a superior force. Nothing ends the way they think in this scenario.
You mean my window herbs aren't enough to live laugh love on?! (/s)
I'm looking at the pile of ironing on the sofa but I have the excuse of a bout of COVID. That said, the garden IS taking shape. Bumblebees may hopefully survive the apocalypse. πŸ˜€
I know how to fish, build a fire, make flour out of cat tails (the marshy stuff not my babies) etc. I'd be dead in a month or 2. I had a decent knowledge of a water filter but that's gone. I'd rather not die of dysentery. Thanks.
Revolution tends to suck. Which is why most folks working for change tend to gravitate towards imperfect, incremental, organizations and efforts. They may call for revolution of thought, but people who want to fight in the streets for change, are generally more interested in fighting.