
The thing is, when people talk about escaping the US, I can't help but be reminded of fire escape plans where people in wheelchairs are told to stay in the burning building and wait for the firefighters. It's not quite the same thing, but that's what pops into my head.
Being accused of trolling for pointing out the reality that Disabled people who can't work literally cannot "escape" the US. Okay.
Seriously. I looked into going expat a while back. It's not doable for the people who would NEED to. To qualify for the visa you need to be Rich & in a Desired Profession. And if you're Black, LGBT, or have Health Concerns, they don't want you either Officially or Local Hostility wise.
There are literally prohibitions about moving to another country if your healthcare would be Expensive for them to cover, or if you have certain Conditions. They do not want self-employed artists, they want doctors who promise to establish a practice. And EVERYWHERE is racist & queerphobic. No win.