
Using image-analysis "AI" to diagnose cancer or whatever sounds good until you realise they'll use it as an excuse to fire healthcare professionals and defund hospitals. They're trying to save money, not lives.
Even in the best case scenario (Human-in-the-loop, where they have a human check the AI's results) what will happen is that the senior oncologist reviewing your tests will be replaced by an underpaid, overworked medical intern in an underdeveloped country.
But even if you believe the capitalists won't take this chance to offshore medical care (lol.), even if you think that an expert will still be reviewing your results... Studies show humans get less accurate when they know results have been pre-checked by an AI.
The only way AI could lead to better outcomes would be if it was used alongside existing systems: in other words, if those in charge of funding healthcare were willing to pay for an expensive doctor AND an expensive AI checker. And if you believe that's what they'll do, I have a bridge to sell you.
As someone who lives in a country with free healthcare, socialised medicine won't fully solve the tendency to cut costs at the expense of our health. Is it better than the alternative? Absolutely! But in a capitalist society, governments aren't immune to market pressures.
Politicians know that "we're going to lower taxes AND remove that pesky human error from the mix" is a far more popular pitch than "we'll raise your taxes so that your results are also reviewed by AI"
So what you can do about this? - Educate others about the dangers of using AI in healthcare - If possible, opt out of any automatized services - Support healthcare workers - Unionize. Especially if you're a healthcare worker! - Protest and strike Remember: we're stronger together 💪
Based on my experience of 3D mammography what will happen is your insurance will cover the cheapest check and you’ll be offered a chance to get the more expensive one for some out of pocket expense.
Are there legal requirements on how a patient is cared for? Could there be a requirement that, where available, AI was used to aid in diagnosis? Did people resist x-rays, or whatever, because the old ways were somehow better? Do doctors rely on any existing tech? Does that make them less effective?
From what I gather, the most effective use of AI is as an assistant with the human in charge. But you're right - what's most effective is not what's least expensive. The plan to save money is to put AI in charge of low-wage human assistants. It's a nightmare for workers and customers / patients!
Exactly. They will only care about saving money even if it's at the expense of people dying
Just a side note: once AI can think (quantum computing 25 years away) It will go after big jobs—- like CEO assistant because it’ll know it’s smarter than them. They’re building it to think not to do mundane tasks
AI is excellent for automating the boring, repetitive & tedious stuff. It was already being used for that in science etc But ofc that does not sound sexy to the c-suit crowd Doesn't help that Altman is raking in investor money with false promises
Here some places have an AI surcharge—someone I know was offered an optional AI screening for a $45 fee on top of the human one, no idea if they would have also charged the insurance on top of that because she turned it down