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Dutch-Indonesian, probs autistic, Demisexual, He/Him
Games - draws - Indie Game Dev - TinkerSpider on itch.io

Categorically claimed by @mimikecil.bsky.social and very happy about it :)
Reposted byAvatar Onno
It costs 0$ to Repost a Black disabled queer small business everyday! It could lead to my next sale. I sell pins, stickers, compression gloves, binders, hip braces, wrist braces, compression socks, skorts, hoodies & more! Store details below!
Reposted byAvatar Onno
I really wish people understood how losing engagement places like bsky really hurts sex workers. I do have a full time job but SW helps me out since I don't make enough from that job alone. There are plenty of other SWers here who do SW full time!!!! Please support us, thx. 🖤🧡
I read about the Gaiman allegations, don't have enough info and won't speculate, but will say this: Fellow dudes: A> when you engage in a sexual relationship, make pretty damn sure you both are in the same stage of life B> When there is even a suggestion of a power imbalance, keep it in your pants
I have no issues with respectability as long as it is based on actual deeds and actions, instead of just only unfounded claims and a suit
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Reposted byAvatar Onno
I keep telling myself I just need to keep reposting my stuff because no algo but maybe I don’t bother anymore. Anyways plz engage with those trying to work here. Even if it’s dry af it’s still nice to feel support once in a while with engagement 💕
Reposted byAvatar Onno
Hello! If you are new here and perusing and liking my media tab welcome! Things you can also do include: - reply/engage - reskeet/ quote reskeet - send me a lil tip 🧡🖤 linktr.ee/hik1mberly v: kimberlymarie c: $kimberlyhi
hik1mberly | Instagram | Linktreelinktr.ee Hi I'm Kimberly. Get to know me. I'm gonna need a lot of treats I can tell.
PSA: LLMs like ChatGPT are nothing more than conversation simulators trained on webscraped data Its only purpose is pretending to talk to you Other than that there is nothing built in that differentiates between truth or fiction They are being hawked under false pretenses
Reposted byAvatar Onno
Today is my birthday! 🥳 I'm normally the kind of person who would be mortified at the idea of announcing my own birthday, but it's different when it's to help homeless kitties. Today is the last day you can donate to my fundraiser if you want! Thank you so much! 💕 gofund.me/afd86126
Birthday Wishes for Potato Bears, organized by Molly Hodgdongofund.me Hello! If you are here you probably already know that I'm Molly Hodgdon, the 'Cats of Y… Molly Hodgdon needs your support for Birthday Wishes for Potato Bears
@trans.bsky.social @fumblebee.bsky.social New binaries for 'Space Whale Warrior' have been uploaded When i have permission i'll DM the downloadlink
@trans.bsky.social @fumblebee.bsky.social Busy building in the icons for controller support in-game in 'Space Whale Warrior' There will be a new beta today :)
Hot Weather PSA: Drink loads of water and every now and again eat something salty Sweating makes you lose body salt, lose too much and you'll get 'Heat Sickness' which might possibly make you faint (I was taught this during my time as a medic during a peace time draft)
Managed to fine tune the AI of the NPC ships in such a way that there is loads of non player focused activity without frame rate loss. Some zones have active space battles when you enter. Shown here the part where i escort a space whale to the Whalesong planet
Ok this game i made, 'Into the Pit', randomly generates persistent levels when you enter them, sometimes that makes for stuff spawning on top of stuff
Back from causing massive amounts of mayhem in Guild Wars 2 with my GF :)
Hehe, came back from the shower and my baby is busy posting the entire build process :) Gods, i love her :)
Onno, my love, my partner, my best friend, apped me last Thursday: 'Check your mail.' I did, and whát did this man dó?! He bought me a LEGO set - the Millenium Falcon. He knóws I am an absolute Star Wars geek. He álso knows I was never allowed LEGO as a kid, because that 'wasn't for girls.'
My love Mimi built herself a goddamn glorious Lego Millenium Falcon :) Today is a good day :)
She's finished. What a beauty!
Both Linux and Windows binaries for 'Space Whale Warrior' have been uploaded to my placeholder space :) I included a Flaming Skull PNG icon i made by making a 3D model and screenshotting/editing it
Found a bug in 'Space Whale Warrior' where the space whales you are supposed to escort also fled from the player when they have 'fugitive' status Fixed with 1 line of code, recompiled for Linux, will recompile for Windows later
Apart from hobby game dev stuff, playing Elite Dangerous today, a ginormous online space sim Returning to habitated space which take me over just a 100 more jumps. Once there i will help my gaming buddy Abby join the Fuel Rats, a group of players that refuel players stuck in space
Ok - i'm a nite-owl, so when i woke up i apped my love i'm up and the coffee is running At which she joked: 'Quick! to the Onnomobile and follow that coffee!' So i guess i have to draw Noonman now, who brings supplies to the homeless, instead of beating up guys
To everyone who just followed me Thank you and welcome I eh, am just a guy that builds games for a hobby and uses Bluesky like a latenite bar :)
@trans.bsky.social In case you are still up for it, i have a beta compile ready for 'Space Whale Warrior' ATM it is just an executable that you can either start directly or plug into Steam as an external game so you can use a controller Help overview at startup, controls are simple
@trans.bsky.social Update: put in a very basic help screen at start up as a place holder Will compile it for Windows on my laptop tomorrow Beware: this game has permadeath
Ok @trans.bsky.social , here's the deal: Space Whale Warrior is fully functional except for for the help screens, controls are basically shooter type controls except you float and use the mouse wheel to scroll through your collection for secondary weapons What i will do is cook an exe
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I am thinking 'Space Whale Warrior' where you have to escort Space Whales back to their home world, since the other game 'Into the Pit' has the annoying bug that you sometimes drop through the floor one level down, haven't found a fix for that yet
Ok - here's the deal: i like making video games, but i do not do marketing research or anything, i just build what i think is fun to build or what i would like to play myself Is there anyone out there who would like to play one of my games to see if anyone else would actually like playing them?