🎶 do you want to build a robot? 🎶

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🎶 do you want to build a robot? 🎶


I'm having a hell of a time feeling "patriotic" these days... But, hell, any excuse for a day off work - right? Happy 4th of July!
Bubblegum Crisis hits different these days...
New Ranma 1/2? Wow. I haven't thought about that show in years... Now I'm feeling all nostalgic. And I never did read the manga. I guess I know what I'm going to be reading/watching next!
I've started working on the MG Origin RX-78-02 this week. I've really enjoyed the HG Origin kits I've built, but this will be the first MG Origin kit. Haven't made a lot of progress so far... Mostly just painted-up the pilot figures. Hoping to get more done over the weekend.
Well, the show sucked. Biden did not do well. His voice was weak and he seemed confused. Trump spouted outright lies. I thought there was supposed to be fact-checking? Again, I'm not sure what purpose any of that served? But it didn't fill me with confidence for November.
I'm really not sure that debates serve much of a purpose these days. Trump is such an exceedingly polarizing candidate that I can't imagine tonight's debate is going to change anyone's opinion. But I have to admit that I'm quite eager to see the show.
Biden and Trump go head to head: How to watch the first general election presidential debateapnews.com Thursday's presidential debate starts at 9 p.m. Eastern. It will be hosted by CNN and moderated by CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.
Reminder that I’m live-whatevering the #debate tonight. Mute this thread or unfollow if it ain’t your bucket of tweeked crabs.
I'm really not sure that debates serve much of a purpose these days. Trump is such an exceedingly polarizing candidate that I can't imagine tonight's debate is going to change anyone's opinion. But I have to admit that I'm quite eager to see the show.
Biden and Trump go head to head: How to watch the first general election presidential debateapnews.com Thursday's presidential debate starts at 9 p.m. Eastern. It will be hosted by CNN and moderated by CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.
What's your favorite film adaptation of a Shakespeare play, Bluesky? It's not a feature-length film - but my favorite is the "Atomic Shakespeare" episode of Moonlighting. Absolutely fantastic.
What's your favorite film adaptation of a Shakespeare play, Bluesky?
"Moonlighting" Atomic Shakespeare (TV Episode 1986) ⭐ 8.3 | Comedy, Drama, Mysterywww.imdb.com 49m | TV-PG
Huh. Apparently this kit has an optional LED unit? Haven't built one with an LED unit before... Looks like I'm going to have to track one of those down.
So... What do folks use to take decent pictures of gunpla/miniatures/whatever? Is everyone just using their phone? Is there an app that works better? (I've got an Android, if it matters.) Do folks use fancy, expensive cameras? Do I just need to get better?
Painted my tiny little Amuro Ray and I think it turned out pretty well. Unfortunately I'm garbage at taking pictures of small things. I mean, I'm not great at pictures in general. But I don't know how/why the autofocus does what it does. This looks awfully grainy to me.
Building a Hy-Gogg this weekend! The original Gogg just does not do it for me. It looks downright silly. But I like this Hy-Gogg... It looks weird and menacing and alien. Unfortunately it's a pretty old kit, so I'm not expecting much out of it.
A new Folding Ideas dropped yesterday!
I Don't Know James Rolfeyoutu.be PHOTO-SENSITIVITY WARNING: occasional subtle flickering between 19:00 and 24:36 If ever there were a video I've made that required a companion essay or some kind of artist statement to go along with it I suppose it would be this one. It's a strange project that I've been working on for the better part of six months now, a process of trying to disentangle myself from myself. It's about a lot of different things, it's about James Rolfe but also not about him because we have so many versions of him and we can only react to those imperfect projections. He's been doing this for basically 20 years at this point, and out of that arise a million different ways to tell the story: AVGN is deeply influential, but what does that influence mean? I found myself fascinated with his creative fixations, the motifs and stories that he keeps coming back to, and felt like the only way to engage with that honestly was to expose all my own fixations, insecurities, and fears. Written by Dan Olson and Nathan Landel Music by Mike Rugnetta Performed by Dan Olson Camera by Dan Olson, Kara Artym, and Alex Mitchell Crafts by Dan Olson, Kristi O. (@komakesthings), Tim Uruski, and Steve Olson Executive Assistant Crystal Donovan Crowdfunding: https://www.patreon.com/foldablehuman Twitter: https://twitter.com/FoldableHuman 00:00:00 - I Feel A Certain Kinship With James Rolfe Part 1 00:06:21 - Title Drop (He Said The Thing!) 00:07:19 - A Reintroduction is Necessary 00:16:27 - Even In Rejecting It They Learn Something About Themselves 00:19:00 - Don't Get Your Panties in a Wad 00:23:08 - A Crass Homunculus of Photons 00:28:53 - Book Bad 00:41:20 - I Keep Coming Back 00:44:53 - The Length of Time It Takes To Get To Some Waves 00:48:17 - I Feel A Certain Kinship With James Rolfe Part 0 00:52:58 - The Narrative of AVGN's Decline 00:54:55 - They Are In Fact Just Haters 01:04:08 - I Did The Thing Any Normal Person Would Do 01:10:25 - The Nerd In My Dreams 01:15:39 - Credits
Well, shit. My local Michael's has restocked it's plastic model aisle... And they're carrying gunpla now! They actually had a Nu Gundam Ver.Ka in there! (We'll see if it's still there after my next paycheck arrives...)