Eric Gordy

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Eric Gordy

All about: sociology, Balkans, good cooking, jazz, dogs. No patience for: racists, nationalists, sexists, creeps, bad methodology.

“East of Ethnia” blog -- politics, sociology, and culture from the Balkans and other places:
Although some people would like to draw lines of equivalence, the people buried at the military cemetery are not “innocent civilian victims.” (though it is true that military service was obligatory, and some people were in the military by force or kidnapping)
Delegacija EU na meti žestokih kritika zbog odavanja počasti na Vojničkom groblju u Otpravnik poslova Evropske unije u Bosni i Hercegovini Adebayo Babajide i diplomati iz država članica EU u BiH našli su se na meti žestokih kritika, nakon što su otputovali u Bratunac, gdje su se u ut...
I supported Joe Biden in the last election because he is a good and decent person who deserves our support. And I will support him in the next one because he has helped people and has earned our support. Regardless of what a bunch of mainstream media say.
I have left the United States but what I remember about working there is that every time I got a salary increase it was exceeded by the increase in our health insurance cost, while the coverage got lousier every year.
Omg Spotify’s AI DJ just tried to give me Elton John’s “Hold me closer Tony Danza.”
Round up the usual suspects.
I want to open a Bosnian-Indian restaurant and call it Cazinska Bhuna.
This has been your limited audience joke for today.
Cambridge University is like Yugoslavia, or maybe vice versa.
Is the shooting incident “political violence,” though? There is no evidence that the person who did the shooting was an opponent of the person who was the target. The most political element here is that the incident was a product of the policy that lets just about anybody have semiautomatic rifles.
We have now created the world that punk rock imagined we already lived in when we were young.
Torrential rain tonight. It interfered only slightly with our BBQ. But it will be excellent for the herbs we just planted. Once I go out back in the morning and hurl all the snails into the neighbour’s garden.
Imagine if the alternative to the extreme right were any good.
I would have put my money on Burgum, but whatever, one nondescript white dude void of integrity is pretty much the same as another.
I buy a wireless speaker for music in the garden, it rains for 2 weeks. I prepare some mushroom and pepper for the bbq grill, a big torrent comes down. I would like to apologise to everyone for ruining your weather.
"Toning down the rhetoric" just means giving them a licence to continue committing crimes.
Be prepared for a weeklong onslaught of propaganda. They will try to normalise a seditious racist, and they will try to justify it in the name of “unity.” There will be a lot it. You don’t have to buy in.
That is pretty much “Nashville Skyline,” isn’t it?
Tonight’s salad featured scallions from the chef’s garden
Have you heard people try to excuse things they have done by saying “that’s not who I an” (or collectively, “what we are”)? What is that about? It sounds like a mystical contention that identity exists in a space unaffected by life.
If there is any evidence that the person who shot bullets in the general direction of Tr*mp was a political opponent, or indeed had ever thought anything about any topic at all, nobody has seen it.
Once I saw a film in which a confused young man shot at a Manchurian candidate.
Your periodic reminder that everyone just passes over that “well regulated militia” part.
14K to watch the men's singles championship at Wimbledon. I mean, even if I had the money, it's free on TV and they have multiple cameras so you see more.
Ulaznica za finale Đoković - Odnosno, 14.370 evra. Dobro ste pročitali...
Okay, so let’s say that for most people the typical dinner preparation period is between 45 and 90 minutes. How many times during that period do you find yourself saying “oh for God’s fucking sake, artificial intelligence DJ, just no”? In our house it’s about 3 times.
I was not aware, as a young lad in Seattle, of how many of the excellent local record shops were owned by Nazis. Strangely I was not tipped off by the fact that some of them had names like “Vinyl Solution.”
Neither pro nor anti Biden, but permit me to say, this is a person who over 50 years has got some things right and some things wrong, but in general deserves the respect and appreciation of a public toward whom he always had the best intentions.
Moment in listening to 60s nostalgia music: here comes the Hammond organ solo, do I tolerate it for 48 seconds or skip to the next song?