I'm Maxxxine-maxxing. I'm Ti pilled.

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I'm Maxxxine-maxxing. I'm Ti pilled.


As seen on What's Mid. California. A crab of unacceptable intelligence. Not funny just dumb. Virtue negotiable, inquire for rates. Transdrogynous genderweirdo with great tits. Up to no good.
my dog the minute he gets out of the bath
Thinking about setting up a birthday gangbang if someone can keep track of the spreadsheets and charting for me
The nerve of these people to put 2 snow peas in a bag of broccoli and baby carrots and call that stir fry
What I look like scrolling social media
What I look like scrolling social media
My family wants me to move back to this. My family has not had nearly as much therapy as me.
circling back to this in 10 days when it meant to say "record high"
My dad had the Vanessa Williams and Madonna issues of penthouse?? I think?? Anyway they ended up wadded up in my bro’s closet and Pops was furious, bc I think he thought those were our college fund.
found the only item i want from my fil’s estate
It would be super cool if such a tangibly stupid symbol of arrogance was the thing that went too far
I am not banking on this in any way, but it feels like publishing a book that's like "Here are, step by step, all the evil things we're gonna do if we win" was a tactical error.
holy fuck its not even 10 am and i already did chores wow
seems to me, if you have anything cancellable hiding in your past it's prob better to out yourself with a "hey listen i just realized this shit i used to is fucked up, and here's the things i'm doing to fix that" kinda situation than it is for someone to decide to do it for you.
this is a perfect album, fuckign fight me about it i don't care
Today’s vibe is me just hollering SHE IS ALWAYS ON MY MIND!!!
why is it that if we agree you won't do something, and then you do the thing, that isn't considered starting the fight, but me bitching about it is?
Today’s vibe is me just hollering SHE IS ALWAYS ON MY MIND!!!
i fucked up i just keep collecting redheads that cant go in direct sunlight
Being poly so I always have someone to go to the pool with.
is there anyone who hasn't decided to suck left?
i was such an asshole kid (and adult, i'm still like this) that I would get mad whenever villains had villainous names in my stories. I'd be all "So i'm supposed to believe that this guy's mother named her new baby Dickhead Von Evil?"
it's gonna be hilarious as these slowly get more and more smut and toys on their shelves. Like a frog in a pot of slutty, slutty water
my guy needs to get his pancreas checked
Unko Sensei (a poo-headed teacher) teaches Japanese kids how to write.
that was my fave ep of seinfeld
Watch and episode of any 90s single sitcom, and tell me they weren't dumping people for reasons absolutely equal or dumber than "getting the ick"
Michael crichton was 6'9" when he wrote Jurassic park. Imagine the dinosaur adventure Robert Wadlow could have wrote.
I keep getting compliments on what a nice good helpful and well adjusted child I have and I’m pretty sure it’s because I’m doing whatever the exact opposite of this shit is
this is so depressing i thought it was a joke at first and i am aghast to realize it is not
Maxine is not a good person. She’s driven by pure ambition. But she’s also not a bad person. She never starts the fight, she just makes sure she finishes it.
Smokin that shit that makes me Stephan Urquél
Hotboxing the Urkel Transformation Chamber
Took the kid to the new despicable me and it’s not like I had expectations but it still managed to short of them. What a pointless endeavor.
The products of ChatGPT etc are essentially pollutants and need to be treated as such
a nice caffeinated broth would fix me