
Avatar what the heck happened with that plane over the weekend?
Hey, I don't even work on Boeing. It's funny b/c there's an episode of that goes into the spectacular decline of Boeing. Basically, this is just another case of them cutting corners to put more money in their shareholders' pockets. They killed people & got doing it.
I meant in general, I know you didn't do that!
I kid I kid. I'm a Beechcraft Babe.
I was asking how a door could have done that, but it looks like there was a screw loose (and not just with the executives).
It's not just the executives, the engineers are under a lot of pressure from the executives & they aren't taking as much time with the build mechanics. The build mechanics aren't as good as they used to be b/c Boeing has been trying to crush the union for decades & moved some production to SC.
where there is no union. I don't know the particulars of that door plug, but it sounds like it was a "quick" modification to lengthen the fuselage to allow for more seats. In theory it gave the company more production flexibility but strays from traditional aircraft building & this is the result.