Temple Drake

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Temple Drake


Lover of music, punk, jazz & everything in-between. Believer in equality & respect for all people except nazis. Perennially disappointed by Democrats but voting for them nonetheless.
Aircraft mechanic by trade, artist by nature.
Not exactly a Hurricane from Liber Co website. I didn't have enough passion fruit syrup. Time to place an order!!
SillyCon Valley tech bros are all anti tax libertarians who see themselves as superior to us commoners. They are antisocial & anti society & anti community & they always have been. They also haven't delivered any useful products in decades.
At some point, y'all are going to have to stop pretending to be surprised that most Silicon Valley VCs support Trump. Y'all can't be surprised every time. No it's not a *vibe shift*. They've felt this way since way before Trump. hachyderm.io/@mekkaokerek...
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Tom Homan, Trump’s former (and likely future, if he wins in November) ICE director: "I’ll be on his heels coming back, and I will run the biggest deportation force this country has ever seen … They ain’t seen shit yet. Wait until 2025." americasvoice.org/press_releas...
NYT's immigration beat reporter examined Trump's plan for mass deporation thru the lens that policies and rules and courts matter The people she interviewed are in that same bubble They don't Trump and Miller aren't going to follow laws. They intend to wreak havoc and expect no one to stop them
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It may be Trump's biggest political weakness: he kicks up chaos so consistently that people can even shrug off an assassination attempt.
They want to sell off the national parks for mining & logging. 👀👀👀
like, if you don’t think you have anything to lose from a second trump admin, you should look around. we all lose. everyone we know loses. but they aren’t winning and they know it and they are counting on us letting them win.
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I've seen him do this rant live twice, and on video a couple other times, and he's got a point: your real enemy is your own cynicism telling you it that can't be helped. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8_4...
Billy Bragg - Tomorrow's Gonna Be A Better Day - Moseley Folk 2011www.youtube.com Billy Bragg performing Tomorrow is Gonna be a Better Day live at Moseley Folk 2011
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JD Vance is the 2nd most perfect enemy for unionists like myself. We have decades of experience exposing greedy bosses and their political pals that falsely claim to be allies of the working class. Our biggest enemies are scabs. And Donald Trump is a scab.
I really, really don't want to go to work.
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Oh, I totally forgot: Vance also blurbed Jack Posobiec’s “Unhumans” book, the one that casts leftists as agents of “unhumanity.” Unity, folks! 🙃
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He could unify the country in much the same way that the atoms that form his body could, in principle, spontaneously quantumly rearrange into a ham sandwich
I am so disgusted with everything.
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Two months ago Greg Abbott pardoned a murderer who texted a friend "I might go to Dallas to shoot looters" then drove into a BLM protest in Austin and killed a protester. The universal response from conservatives to the pardon was "Yeah! Woo-hoo!" Now they say liberals should turn down the rhetoric
It wasn't a political attack. It wasn't a political attack. It wasn't a political attack. It wasn't a political attack. It wasn't a political attack. It wasn't a political attack. It was just another white male with violent fantasies about being famous for doing something terrible.
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In fishing towns and villages, the most haunted place isn't some pub with spurious tales of tunnels and spectral smugglers, but the causeway and steps down to harbour. For many ghosts cling to the infrastructure of labour, cling to the working that defined their lives – C. Josiffe
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Reminder: Trump is a horrible person, a wannabe gangster, a sexual predator, convicted criminal, and a racist bigot who wants to destroy our democracy.
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“What is most exceptional about the Americans is not the voluminous record of their violence but their extraordinary ability in the face of that record to persuade themselves that they are among the best behaved and best regulated of peoples.” - Richard Hofstadter, American Violence, 1970 🗃️
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If you're reading a news story and the author is going on and on about Biden's age but not a peep about trump being a traitorous child raping cheating lying monster? You're reading something being paid for by a billionaire that doesn't want to pay their taxes www.investopedia.com/billionaires...
Billionaires Who Bought Media Publisherswww.investopedia.com The mega-rich have been buying up news purveyors in recent years, but is having big money in charge of the free press really anything new?
This applies to pretty much every important story that isn't being covered. They didn't buy these outlets out of generosity and civic duty, they bought them to influence public perception in their own favor.
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100%. If you are not a marginalized group member, or there are others even more marginalized than you are, telling them basically they are fucked, oh well is not just unhelpful, it's a moral stain. Unless you are spending every waking moment knocking on doors, registering voters first, just don't.
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We've been living in an age of political violence. It's just now that violence is also directed towards a group of people who were supposed to be "safe" from it. I'm saying the quiet part loud because some folks keep trying to act brand new about this shit.
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