
On one of the most filmed men on the planet: Has any of us seen his day to day behavior? What is he hiding?
I've seen people talk about how sharp he is behind the scenes but we don't see that. Show it! Use a hidden camera or something. "Trust me bro" ain't gonna cut the mustard.
It's the inverse of the Bigfoot problem
Show me any president, excluding Trump obviously, being this incoherent in public. I have never liked Biden. When he had to drop out for being caught in a lie the first time he ran for the nomination he told me who he was. Healthy Biden was bad, but now? Democrats need to do better.
He was an incoherent speaker and a dumbass but his failures and delegation were the problem. Joe Biden occasionally stumbles but he appoints good people and has good domestic policy
We're a rogue state. The current administration is aiding and abetting genocide in violation of the laws we helped create to prevent this shit. The fact that Trump promises to do worse isn't gonna help him in November. That's a bigger problem for Democrats than they'd care to admit.
Never engage with the actual claim when you can attack the source as "fake news." Trump would be proud.
In what elections was Joe Biden supported by AIPAC? They're only 7 years younger than Joe Biden's political career
That's 1/3rd for the amount of the infographic. Also Biden didn't represent PR, he represented DE
he’s still the #1 recipient (of over $4million dollars) of foreign interest money and he certainly isn’t carrying out the will of the american public that he’s supposed to represent.
I don't think you understand the depth of Zionist sentiment in this country. My own cousin, who's very apolitical, is now convinced that Biden will sell Israel out first chance he gets. There's an actual calculus here beyond Biden vs the (let me be clear) legitimate self-determination of Palestine
I'm 57 and am well aware. That's why I'm so impressed with young Jewish Americans leading the protests. It takes a lot of chutzpah to stand up against Zionism as a Jew, but they see it as a moral imperative and I support them.
AIPAC money seems, sadly, to be a big winner