
Some questions that need clear, logical answers that are grounded in reality before replacing a nominee: What percentage of current campaign staff would stay? What percentage of field sites would remain operational? What percentage of volunteers would stay and campaign for a tbd candidate?
Where would the $ come from to staff a national campaign overnight? Would Biden campaign for the new nominee? How would you guarantee that Biden campaigning/not campaigning is not used as a wedge by Republicans?
Why would it not be Harris? What is the argument in the affirmative for an alternative that *actually* wants the job? How do you expect endorsements for Biden to transfer to the new candidate? What is the coalition that the new candidate would provide that Biden does not?
What would the policy portfolio of the new candidate be? Who would they keep on as staff/cabinet from the Biden Admin? What staff/cabinet members would leave?
What would happen to PACs and outside donors/campaign ads that have been shot or are about to be? How would this be paid for? How do we guarantee that the name of the new candidate tbd is *actually* on the ballot since states set up the elections?
What is the percentage of people that would be demobilized by removing Biden compared to those mobilizing by a tbd candidate? Do they offset? How would tbd candidate overcome name recognition deficit of “Former President Trump” ?
What are the policy consequences for the country in the lead up to the election if Biden lame-ducks himself? Who are the people that would broker the new nominee? Why do we think this tbd candidate would be better than Biden given the people that would pick?
You would be fearsome in a deposition!
Yeah it would be reckless at this point. Like trying to flip a bitch in an oil tanker with like 500 m to shore. This stuff just doesn't operate on these kind of timelines. It would be handing Trump the election.