Enron Hubbard

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Enron Hubbard


former philosopher. current astorian. future smart person. he/they/er/xier.
Reposted byAvatar Enron Hubbard
here’s a fucking marker: biden does not step down, trump loses. make your arguments against it, but that’s the baseline you would expect if you don’t read the times and the atlantic writers shitting their pants in public. show your work, and i will show mine.
Reposted byAvatar Enron Hubbard
I want them to weep when they lose. I want them to sit there, crying into their celebratory wines, knowing that they will never have power and that they will be a footnote in history. I want them laid low, to suffer the pains of knowing that they have lost, forever.
If you see this post a photo you made at sunset
if you see this, post a photo you made at sunset
Reposted byAvatar Enron Hubbard
[norman rockwell guy] i think it’s bad, actually, that so many people think the president of the united states should step in and publicly arbitrate every regional dispute in the country and i can promise that you absolutely will not like it if they do
If you can't take the time to read an article, it's ok to decline to comment on it in any way shape or form.
Everyone really needs to log off for a day, the takes are getting too much these days
End of feed.