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Ready for #Justice!

Reposted byAvatar EuphoricFuzion
Reposted byAvatar EuphoricFuzion
Reposted byAvatar EuphoricFuzion
Reposted byAvatar EuphoricFuzion
raw when applied, it's intentionally an emulsion developed by a Cornell food scientist in the 50's tasked with increasing demand for broilers. he succeeded beyond imagination, literally every fire department in New York cooks it for their fundraisers now.
Cornell A staple at fundraising events by civic organizations and volunteer fire departments in the Finger Lakes area of New York as well as barbecue restaurants there, this chicken is a vinegar-based creatio...
This is the PERFECT summary! #Giuliani #RoolyJoolyOoly (that's what Lil Six call him!! 😂)
"Yes, my client is an unredeemable conspiracist jerk, from whom we should hear little and expect less, but once upon a time, his heart was -- for one brief, shining moment -- arguably in the right place."
Reposted byAvatar EuphoricFuzion
I have no problem with brainwashing since you have obviously fell for it. Repetition is the most basic of brainwashing tactics 😂
My Life 🤩🥰☺️ She'll be SIX in a week!!!! 🫣😭😣😩🤯
Y'all. Fuck. My frustration level has reached an all-decades high.
Home alone with my sick Lil while everyone in the fam travels for Turkey Day, so... bored AF. And I enjoyed this filter. 😋 #sharing Happy Day of Thanks, Global Community 🫶
Reposted byAvatar EuphoricFuzion
Anyone who wants this back in the White House doesn’t understand the true danger of one-man, authoritarian rule.
Proof of Natural Maternal Change in the Minds of Moms: Driving to the urgent care, Mom and Lil Five in the back seat, Dad in the driver's seat. Lil says, "I'm gonna throw up, I don't think I'm gonna make it!" We stop, she leans out the door. My sweats are coated. I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE until today!
I just got a collections notice from a law firm for a parking ticket from 2013.... 🤔 I don't live in that state or drive that car anymore, and have a new license plate and address. 1) How did they find me?? 2) Do I really have to pay it? 3) What ever happened to that 2009 speeding ticket in NJ?
Reposted byAvatar EuphoricFuzion
Y'all!! I met Patrick Mahomeez at the pub today! And it was his 74th Birthday! I still don't know how he crossed the pond so fast!! 🤭😋🤗😎🏈😁
Happy Ghoul-aween! 🎃🦇🫶
Happy Halloween from 2009 Willis Bean! 🎃😎🦇🐾
You're driving under some low-hanging branches. Looking up through the windshield, it looks like it's going to hit your roof. Do you *also* duck your head? Just me.. ? 😋🤭
Who else *did not know* there was a Burning Man Barbie?? 🤯
Reposted byAvatar EuphoricFuzion
Ohio voters: The extremist GOP Secretary of State is canceling vote, purging thousands of names recently from the voter rolls, right before this important referendum on abortion rights. Make sure you were not among them! Check here for your status:
Reposted byAvatar EuphoricFuzion
The number of Palestinian children killed in Gaza over the past 3 weeks has exceeded the number of children who died in conflict zones around the world each year since 2019, according to human rights groups
More Children Killed In Gaza This Month Than In Conflict Zones For All Of Since the violence escalated on Oct. 7, at least 3,195 Palestinian children have been killed in Gaza, and the number is likely to keep climbing.
“You have to get famous to know that it’s not the answer. And nobody who is not famous will ever truly believe that.” RIP Matthew Perry 😞 I never watched Friends but I knew of his struggle with addiction and his death at only 54 years old is tragic.
Reposted byAvatar EuphoricFuzion
You can’t delete your past, MAGA Mike Johnson. The internet is forever, and so is your vile hate.
Two kids, both sick for a week, both on antibiotics... We're calling today our "Heal-oween Party" 🎃🫶🤧
I've come to the reasoned conclusion that Donnie The Guilty has decided that, in contrast to correcting himself and admitting error, that he will stand by "Stollen" despite the HUNDREDS of autocorrects he's had to fight after every app update. Trying to edit the spelling of a word. That's heavy 🧐
On this #WhiskeyWednesday, I'm celebrating day 6 of being stuck inside with Lil Five and her lil fever! No grocery run in a week, so I'm mixing my cocktails *creatively*... 😋 Banana Tully Smoothie! (Yes, I added spinach!!)
I know I'm behind the curve (it's only 1:15 EST on my tv) but this Speaker Vote is looking like a 1:1 without any side dish entries! 😱😱😱
"That Was All Mahomes" That should be on bumper stickers!!! #ChiefsKingdom🏈
My ABSURDLY Mundane Dreams: Part 472 (IRL I updated to Android 14 yesterday) In my dream, I go to message a Mom about school pickup, and when I hit the emoji box for a smile, they're all ... NEW! 😱 And I hate them. They look like video game characters. (Now awake, I keep expecting them! 😂)