
I am very strongly of the view that Chicago should start publicly declaring it will hire undocumented workers to do city work and will send the proper withholdings to the feds. If R’s can do stunts on the basis of “our immigration system is broken”, D’s should too, but with jobs and housing.
Poll Q: If I told you the economy would collapse and you’ll probably have to pick lettuce as your job and spend $300 per meal at a restaurant if we try to “get rid of the illegals” what would you think about paths to citizenship for immigrants? D: 100% oppose M: 50-50 R: Still deport them all
It’d be a big step forward in progression on Chicago’s barely there immigration policy
I’ve been thoroughly disappointed with the city’s response. They’re not the worst, but they’re definitely half-assing it.
They certainly didn’t check the safety of shelters and that little boy died from medical conditions